Chapter 14

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I know this doesn't make sense but I feel him before I actually see him. My eyes nearly pop out of my head in shock and my heart kind of skydives from my chest into my belly.

He has on a burgundy tee, black jeans and black sneakers. I'm having a hard time deciding whether he's wearing the outfit or the outfit is wearing him but lord! I'd love to take it off.....


"Femi? What are you doing here?" I ask. For some strange reason I feel like a cheating spouse. It feels like my partner just caught me in bed with another man which is crazy because one, Femi is not my partner and two, I'm literally just having dinner, no bed shenanigans going on but I can't shake the deep seated guilt I'm feeling.

"Well, you jilted me so I decided to check out the latest restaurant in town on my own." He answered, looking at me like I slapped his dog in the face. Does he even have a dog?

"What do you mean on your own? You didn't say anything about bringing me here tonight." I narrow my eyes at him. "Besides, I didn't jilt you. There was no jilting involved."

Osaremen chooses this moment to clear his throat and I turn to look at him suddenly remembering that I was actually on a date. I'd completely forgotten about the man.

"Perhaps you'd like to introduce me to the man you jilted for me tonight? I'd like to know the name of my competition so I can channel my fire prayers properly." He jokes.

Well, his voice implied that he was joking but his face is a whole other ball game. Femi looked at me like I slapped his dog but Osaremen looks at Femi like he'd assassinated his whole family in cold blood.

Are these men about to fight over me? My bets are immediately on Femi winning.

"Competition?" Femi asks softly. A mischievous smile growing on his face.

Chuckling quietly, he stretches his right hand, his eyes calling me and WAIT! I'M STANDING?? WHY AM I GETTING UP TO HOLD HIS HAND???

As soon as my palm connects with his, a bolt of electricity travels through our connected palms, causing a shiver to go through me like I had taken a cold water bath on an extremely cold day.

"For there to be competition," He drawls. "It would mean that she was available in the first place. She's not. She's taken." His voice was soft but his tone was hard. It's fine if that doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to me either.

"Is the taker in the room with us?" Osaremen asks but honestly I barely hear him. I'm too busy holding hands with Femi.

Suddenly, Femi tugs on my hand gently and I fall into him, his hand comes around my waist pulling me even closer into him and LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!! I've died and gone to heaven. That's all.

"She's currently clinging to him." Femi responds with a wicked wide smile across his face.

Osaremen turns and finally looks at me for the first time since Femi arrived. I start feeling bad again. Because I am actually on a date with the man, it's disrespectful to be clinging to another man in front of him. This is absolutely disgraceful! I must pull away and say something to... Wait. Is that Femi's cologne? My word! He smells like... I lift my face towards his neck to confirm exactly what it is he smells like, all thoughts of pulling away and acting disrespectful to Osaremen completely forgotten. Matter of fact, at this point, Osaremen could be the name of an animal, place or thing.

"She only went out with you because she was mad at me, but thank you for keeping My Woman company." Femi responds and I... Did I say I'd died and gone to heaven?? WELL I'VE DIED EVEN MORE AND GONE TO A HEAVENLIER HEAVEN BECAUSE DID HE JUST CALL ME HIS WOMAN??????

"I suggest you direct your fire prayers into getting a woman of your own instead." He turns to address me, "Let's go babe."

That was it. I wish I could say I told Osaremen goodnight at the very least. But the words "Let's go babe" were like the song of the Pied Piper and suddenly I was a rat because that is how I turned and followed this man out of the restaurant. I had no idea where he was taking me but I knew I was going to follow him to wherever it was.

Femi's POV

As we walk out of the restaurant, I can feel Omotekoro's date staring holes into my back. My warrior senses were going off. I am not sure what inhumane creature the man is but it's not the good kind. It's not the good kind at all.

The only reason he did not get aggressive is because he knows what I am. I saw the recognition in his eyes when I called Omotekoro to me using our imprint link. I shouldn't have but I deeply enjoyed the way his eyes widened when he recognized that she was responding to the call.

Shifting my eyes towards the palm I'm holding, I try to muster up some feeling of regret for controlling Omotekoro through our link but I can't. All I feel is a primal satisfaction in how she responded to my call. I also feel a fierce protectiveness welling up in me towards her. I've only ever felt this way for members of my coterie and Iya Egbe herself but that's beside the point.

Walking towards the passenger seat of the cab I'd ordered, I open the door for Omotekoro. She flashes me a dazzling smile before getting in. I catch a whiff of her scent as she steps past me to get in the car. I close my eyes, willing my fangs to stay put. By iku! She is aroused.

The smell of her blood arouses the response a normal person would have to freshly baked bread in me. A craving so strong my mouth waters. I close my eyes, inhaling deeply. This ride home might kill me.


JGo965 I kept my promise.

Honestly the way Omotekoro was doing was irritating me but Femi's POV reminded me that she's literally under a love spell so ... I forgive her because sissss he friend zoned you!!! Stand on bidnessss!!

Oga Femi, that point you're besiding so... That's how fake love use to do and enter real love oooo!!!

Can anybody else sense that our love story has finally kicked off or am I imagining things?

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