Chapter 13

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I can't do this anymore. I put my phone down. I've been unsuccesfully chatting with the graphic designer i work with on a design for an ad I'm about to run. Emphasis on unsuccesfully because woh! I'm losing my mind. I can't. I can't. 

So, the update on Mr Deep Voice Man. We've been hanging out every other day for the past two months.

We either hang out at the office or go out. We go out to see a movie, to a restaurant or just take a long drive. We talk, we talk a lot. We also eat, but mostly we talk and watch movies. DID I ALREADY MENTION THAT WE TALK??? Am I shouting? I am. Deep breath Omote, deep breath. 

I am sick and tired of it. I thought what I felt was mutual but apparently not. He clearly just wants to be friends. He's a great guy. He really is. He's super respectful, funny, witty, suave blah blah blah. All i can think about while he goes on and on with that delightfully deep voice of his is what his lips would feel like on mine. On my skin, in between my le… but the MAN JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS! 

I can't. I can't. 

Anyways. I've come to a conclusion. Since the man just wants to be friends, I'll kukuma get with someone else before I run mad. With that thought, I pick up my phone again, this time to call Osaremen, one cute man laidat who's been on my case for a while now. 

“This is a lovely surprise” He says, the minute the call connects. 

I smile. “What is?” I know what he's talking about.

“You, calling me. If I look on the news will it say that hell froze over recently? Or that the world is coming to an end?”

I roll my eyes. Men and drama.

“Or perhaps,” He continues, “Did the doctors report from my last check up accidentally end up in your mail and does it say I have 1 week left before i die from cancer?” 

“God forbid!” I exclaim.

“Oh, she cares about me dying? Perhaps I should have faked my death this whole time to get you to agree to a date with me.” 

“You're dramatic dear.” I roll my eyes again but I'm smiling this time. 

“You bring it out in me. Anyways, to what do i owe the absolute pleasure of this call?” 

I roll my eyes again, smiling like a sheepish goat. This mans tongue is made of sugar. Ah ah. “Pick a day and a place.”

“Isn't that supposed to be my line?”

“Oh… I've never heard you use it.”

“This Friday, Bankerry’s, I'll send a driver to pick you up.” 

Bankerry's was a new posh restaurant that just opened in GRA. He's trying to impress. Love it! “I'll drive.”

“I said, I'll send a driver to pick you up. I'd say dress to kill but I barely survived meeting you for the first time so please, go easy on an aging man”

“You're barely 2 seconds over 30.”

“I've aged the past few weeks waiting on your yes.”

Nothing you wan tell me. This man has crammed the playboy's playbook because ah ah! “Do you ever run out of lines?”

“No, because I speak my mind and the truth.” He pauses for a bit. “I look forward to seeing you.”

“As do i.” I smile. Feeling like myself again, I drop the call. I quickly send a text to Femi. "Raincheck tonight, something came up."

Femi’s POV

I stare at the phone in my hand, barely fighting the urge to throw the phone against a wall. There's a bitter taste in my throat and a barely controlled need to snap a neck. 

I just got a call from Iziegbe, the Ida’s Right Hand. Apparently, Omotekoro is going out on a date with a man. Tonight! No wonder she cancelled on our outing today. Apparently she’s decided to try and fight what she feels for me by going out with another man. 

I feel my fangs extend. Mscheeeewwww! I hiss. I really want to snap that mans neck. By iku

I don't have feelings for Omotekoro, rationally. I feel nothing for her. She's a human. This isn't one of those movies where we fall in love and ride into the sun. Even if it was, I'm a warrior. A warrior has no place for love. She would be a weakness for me. One I cannot afford, especially not now when the smell of war is heavy in the air. 

Though I feel nothing for her rationally, subconsciously I do, because of the link from the imprint. To my subconscious, she's mine and her going out on a date with another man is cheating.

Friend zoning her hasn't worked so far so I decide on a new tactic. I'll pretend I have feelings for her, date her until the protection spell breaks and then bite her to break the link. Her feelings for me disappear when the link breaks and then we fight, break up and go our separate ways. Perfect! I don't know why I didn't think about this before.

Iziegbe said that they were headed to Bankerry's. According to her, Omotekoro already left the house and so, I'd have to meet them there. I brace myself on the railing of my balcony and jump. As my feet hit the ground, i feel the familiar mush of my bones becoming light as a feather. Like smoke in the face of a heavy wind, I fizz away, becoming one with the night. 

Pushing open the heavy glass door to the restaurant, I take a quick glance around, spot Omotekoro and begin walking in her direction. I stop cold in my tracks as I get near her. I school my features not to show the surprise on my face as she turns but my eyes narrow at the man sitting opposite her. Omotekoro's date is not human.


I know, I know. I ghosted you guys. I accept it. This is a toxic relationship. Don't leave me please 🫣🥺🥺

Any guesses on who the ida might be? You guys are not saying anything 🥺🥺

'Niways. Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share 😘😘

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