JLU S2 initiation part 1

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green lantern and green arrow were teleported to the watch tower as green arrow sees the rest of the justice league and Yn

Superman:glad you can make it

Green arrow:and where am I exactly

Superman:among friends

Green arrow turns around to see multiple heroes

Superman:each of you brings something different to the table strength speed stealth whatever but we're all equal in at least one way each of us is willing to make sacrifices a hero needs to make even the ultimate one since there are so many of us we have a chance to do more than just put out fires both literally and figurative we can be proactive we can do some real good in the world but we're gonna have to be the organized j'onn I'll be up here keeping an eye on everything he'll be the one who to decide who's going where and when I know a lot of you are used to making those decisions for yourself but for now on we have to be more coordinated than that we can be cowboys anymore or cowgirls.

The heroes laugh at Superman joke

Batman:we sent lantern for you because you never gave us an answer.

Green arrow:come on I don't belong up here fighting monsters and aliens and supervillains I just help the little guy and a big club like this you tend to forget all about him so gee whiz I'm flattered to be asked and all but no thanks.

Batman:suit yourself those monsters you don't fight they tend to step in the little guys

J'onn:it's some sort of nuclear accident the sensors are showing an enormous release of heat.

Green lantern:I'll get down there and try to contain it.

J'onn:that's the odd thing it's not dissipating it's moving in a straight line take captain atom he might be able to absorb some of the radiation

Green lantern:right and I could use some muscle for crowd control

J'onn:take super girl and Yn

Green lantern looks at j'onn

J'onn:they have to start sometime

Green lantern:fine

J'onn:use a javelin the radiation making it impossible for the transporter to get a fix on the location

Green lantern:captain atom,Kara,Yn

Kara:about time

Green lantern,captian atom,Kara,Yn starts walking to the javelin

Green lantern:either of you ever been to chiang mai

Yn:nope been in space most of my time

Captain atom:it's on the state department no travel list class three felony for American citizens to go there

Supergirl:is it anywhere near Daytona beach

Green lantern sighs

Green arrow runs to the group

Green arrow:you're not gonna leave me up here on mount olympus

Green lantern:you can go back the way you came

Yn:come on lantern you brought him here he might as well give us a extra hand in this mission

Green lantern:fine

Everyone gets in the javelin

Supergirl:so you gonna let me drive right

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