2| "𝘩𝘢𝘻𝘣𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘭"

Start from the beginning

Vaggie nods quietly and heads to the other side of the bedroom. After a few seconds, she returns, handing Charlie a roll of cream colored adhesive bandage wraps and the warm cloth. Charlie accepts them graciously.

"This might hurt a little, so I'm really sorry, but it'll be quick!" Charlie warns you, taking the cloth and carefully swiping it across the gash on your back. A searing pain shoots through your spine, and you breathe in sharply. "Sorry, sorry!" Charlie apologizes profusely, swapping the cloth out for the bandages, as she carefully wraps the wound, making sure to tie it snug. "There. That must feel a lot better than those thin things you had on, right?"

"Much," You admit, sitting up and turning to face her. "Thank you so much, Charlie, was it? You are such an angel!"

Charlie cups her cheeks and grins happily. "Aww, it's nothing!" She insists, but the way she taps her feet and giggles tells you that the praise means more than she's claiming it does. Vaggie steps forward, resting her hands on her hips.

"You look exhausted." She tells you, inspecting your face. "You can sleep in here if you want. I don't plan on going to bed anytime soon, unless Charlie does."

"Oh, no!" Charlie waves her hands. "I am wide awake! Take all the time you need to rest in here!"

"You two sleep in the same bed?" You ask, looking between them both with a grin. "That's so sweet!"

Vaggie rolls her eyes. "Yeah, well, we're dating? So..." She trails off, watching the way you raise your eyebrows and gasp.

"Oh, you two are together!" You exclaim, putting a hand to your mouth. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to assume otherwise! That is adorable— I love love!" You gush. "Oh, and, you're sure about letting me sleep here? I really hate to inconvenience you after you've already taken me in and fixed me up...!"

"Of course! It's fine!" Charlie laughs and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You're our guest, for now, so it's no problem!"

Your eyes snap open and you sit up abruptly. You wince, the sudden movement amplifying the dull ache of your wingless body, but pull yourself out of bed regardless. You make sure to tuck the comforter back in and fluff the pillows back out— you'd feel terrible if you left their bed a mess. Your gaze falls to the nightstand, where a glass of water waits for you, a note lying in front of it that reads:

For when you wake up! XOXO, Charlie :D!
(+ Vaggie)

You smile to yourself and take the glass, sipping the water before setting it back down. With your whistle wet once again, you slip out of the room. You hurry down the stairs, swinging the corner to the parlor.

"Oh, hello!" You greet, raising a weak hand upon finding just how many people have gathered here. You'd foolishly assumed only Vaggie, Charlie, and Angel resided here, but in such a large building, you suppose it checks out for there to be more.

From what you can see, there's a bartender who is—shockingly—tending the bar, a short and petite maid running around dusting everything, Angel Dust lounging on the sofa, Charlie and Vaggie speaking quietly near the wall, and finally, a very tall, very red smiling man standing near the bar. Your nervous greeting attracts all their attention, but you don't dare drop your smile.

"Oh! You're awake!" Charlie squeals, running over to you while Vaggie follows close behind. "Everyone, this is Y/N!" She flicks her wrist, presenting you like a sleek new car on a game show.

(ON HIATUS) 𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐀: yandere hazbin hotel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now