My father gave me away to Trace, kissing my cheek before letting go, and then the minister began the ceremony.

Then the time came for our vows, and I got all teared up for mine and his.

"Jessie June White, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were something special. A firecracker ready to ignite." Everyone laughed. "We've been through the sickness and health part a lot already and have made it through. I know we can stick it out for forever. I've grown to love you so much since the day I met you, and I can't wait to love you more and more each day. You've turned my life upside down, and I could not be more thankful that I will be your husband and you, my wife."

"Trace Calvin Black, I was not sure about you at first. Once I got to know the real you, my perspective changed. Bickering has always seemed to be our thing, and I can happily say I will do it daily as long as it is with you. You've been there when I was alone and lifted my spirits. You have been there beside me, a total supporter and protector. You care so much about me, and it shows every day. No matter what life throws at us, I know I will get through it as long as we're together. I can't wait to spend forever with you."

The minister let us say I do, and then we kissed. It felt as if I was kissing Trace for the first time, only this time I was, but as husband and wife. I could feel the electricity in our kiss, which made my skin tingle. We were pronounced as Mr. and Mrs. Black and walked down the aisle together, hand in hand.

We had done it. Trace and I were officially married, with no one to get in our way. There were no interruptions or more injuries; it was just a beautiful day surrounded by loved ones. The reception was even better, where Trace and I shared our first dance as a married couple.

"You know you took my breath away the second those barn doors opened and walked toward me. I didn't think I'd survive waiting for you to stand before me, but I did. That dress looks amazing on you. You're stunning," Trace said.

My cheeks warmed up at his voice. "I didn't think you would cry. It took me by surprise. You do have a heart."

Trace laughed. "You take me by surprise every day." Trace spun me around and kissed me. My life seemed like a fairytale. Sure, it had some bumps, but who had never driven on a bumpy road?

"Congratulations and welcome to the family, Jessie."

Trace and I turned to see Ryan smiling. He was dressed in a shirt and tie like the rest of the men here today. "Ryan! I'm glad you could come." I hugged him, and so did Trace.

"There was no way I would miss something so important to my little brother. I'm happy for you two and wanted to give you something." Ryan handed me an envelope. Trace and I opened it together with puzzled looks on our faces, making me gasp. "I want you to use it. Enjoy every bit of it."

"Ryan, you didn't have to do this. I know our past is rocky, but this is too much. This must've cost a fortune," Trace said.

Ryan shook his head. "Someone I know owed me a favor, so don't worry about the price. I think you and Jessie will have a wonderful time in the Maldives. It's beautiful there."

Ryan walked away, leaving my husband and me speechless. We hadn't planned a honeymoon and decided to pick a random place to be spontaneous. This gift was something we never imagined, and now we would be able to get away for a whole week.

"Well, what do you think?" Trace asked, admiring the flight tickets and the instructions for the rental house.

"I think the Maldives are calling my name! That place is so pretty, but it looks fake. The pictures are unreal! Can you imagine how much fun we're going to have?"

Trace laughed. "Oh, I can imagine, alright."

Trace and I danced the night away while eating the delicious food we had catered. Our cake was divine, and I could not have asked for a better wedding ceremony.

"Alright, ladies, I'm going to throw the bouquet!" The women gathered around, and I smiled, knowing who was getting the flowers. I didn't mind sharing the spotlight, even if it was with my best friend. We were all happy and getting engaged. Soon, we'd all be married with kids on the way.

"One, two, three!" I pretended to throw the bouquet and then walked up to Bailey.

"Jess, what are you doing? Why are you handing me these flowers?! You're supposed to let one of us catch them. This is cheating!"

I smiled and shook my head. "Bailey, turn around."

Bailey turned and covered her mouth. She was astonished at seeing my brother Bennett down on one knee with the ring box popped open.

"Bailey Nicole Boone, will you marry me?" Bennett asked.

Bailey squealed and kissed Bennett. "Yes, of course I will marry you!" Bennett placed the ring on Bailey's finger, and my family cheered.

"I didn't see that coming," Trace whispered.

"It was a last-minute decision. They've had feelings for each other for so long that I couldn't say no when Bennett asked me. Now all we have to do is wait for Meghan and Dane to get engaged," I joked.

"That might be a while. It looks like they're arguing right now." Trace pointed across the room at Meghan and Dane, bickering. It didn't look pretty until they both began laughing. "Huh, that was fast."

"I think they are a version of us. Meghan is stubborn like me, and Dane jokes around too much like you. That means they're perfect for each other. Time will only tell," I said.

"Did you just interpret that we're perfect for each other?" Trace asked.

I nodded. "Of course I did. Don't you think it's true?"

Trace grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor again. "One hundred percent, Mrs. Black."

"Oh, now I can get used to that."

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