Chapter 2: Bloody Valentine

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It was never supposed to be that way, It was one of the worst days of San Sebastian High. The flames were spreading like crazy, you thought the school called in a reenactment of the bloody second world war. A clash between two powerhouse, the look of the Battle of Stalingrad was what we described to how much blood was spilled to every walls of the students council hallway. The date was February, the midst of what we call, Mahal na Araw, or Valentines Day. The students council was patrolling the festival court, the leadership was in responsible hands of Andy. His leadership is separated into two, and moral judgement he uses, not just the law's the school applied. Submissive and Objective based on the people he has bias on. People would fear the council back in the days, corporal punishment is still legal, and is set by the students by their own. No power corruption will happen in cause of the teachers partaking actions if the students council did conceived such thing. It's a gun aimed at their heads if they did partake the wrong turn. 

Andy Berciles Del Mundo Ambrosio, he's beloved, famous throughout every blade grass. He may not got the best looks, but his contributions topped the notch and back. The school became glorious in popularity, everyone called him his majesty, he wont partake the throne.

A glorious celebration of love and joy of over 13 thousand students flooded the grassy fields of San Sebastian. Red, color red everywhere, and hearts, all overflowing baskets of chocolates at each corners stands, desperate to profit from the annual celebration. Well, except for Christmas, Valentines Day made most of the profit that sustains each pillars from collapsing throughout the past decades. And for Andy's five month presidential period, both Christmas and Valentines profits were off the charts. 

"Hey President Andy, would you like to get the Vice President some Flowers for this year?" The Business Manager said in a sarcastic manner. "I mean, I can actually get ya' something, you're always down the brim for the past three years you're here. It's your last year here too, I mean, our last years, would you like to lose the chance?"

Andy Ambrosio spent all of his time thinking about the responsibilities of the school grounds, he tends to always forget about his own good. Even time management isn't enough for him, all of his schedule is overflowing like crazy.

The Secretary decides to join the flow. "Yeah, your always off the charts for taking care of yourself, wanna die a martyr? Mr. President?" 

"Oh how ridiculous Hailey," he finally replied. "Didn't she already have someone to be her Valentines? Like did I miss something?"

The Business Manager, Jeffrey, and the Secretary, Hailey, faced each other. Their stares define it all, and hey pan their head slowly towards the president, their smiles reaching to their ears.

"Wha... Tell me?! Did I miss something?!?!"

They both rocked their heads up and down. "Sure you did, Andy." They synchronized.

Jeffrey Jonah Gladiator, Business Manager, just turned 16 at February 5th. A pretty organized person to be with, though his life is slowly becoming a burnt paper by sheer pressure of other students pulling him down. He's getting bullied for being the Business Manager, they have no idea how hard it is to manage nearly everything.

"Should I tell him? Dear Secretary?" He said, pulling up his polymer jacket in gesture.

"Please, be privileged, dear Business Manager. For I want to enjoy this show."

Secretary, Hailey Chaffee Deringer, turning to her golden age at March, she's 15. Her optimism keeps her moving forward, running for dear life away from her abusive parents. She was adopted by the school after a gruesome discovery at the right place at the right time. She lives there now, her contributions about green and go is a better glow. Everyone likes her attitude too, though more of a background character at everyone's eyes. But for her, it's alright, she just wanted to have a peaceful life anyway. And besides, I've got enough friends here, just the whole student council is enough for me.

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