Chapter 1: Campana

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The school alarms shrieked it's spine quivering noise throughout the hallways of San Sebastian high on the bright summer day. The school is undergoing it's yearly full renovation, preparations, and to entertain the newcomers who doubts the integrity of the old school. The workers cover their ears, as they endured the volume tuning implemented. The sound carries on for a whole ten minutes, and it maintained it's integrity, followed by it showed superiority than ever other school lockdown mechanism. What makes this superior you may ask? The cost of every speakers has the cheapest cost, made by students who graduated to this place. One major flex into the rising reputation of the San Sebastian High School.

The alarms extended a little more than it was intended half an hour, the workers near the site gossips about their choice of the lockdown siren, was this intended for the cause of psychological damage for the people inside? The sounds of it, it sounds like the screech of a demon, are the rumors true? Did the owner of this school really sold their soul to the devil, in receiving the golden knowledge?

The alarms stopped, everything went silent. Though the fear was still there, may peak in one corner, you might see something wrong, and you cannot tell what it was.

"Cranky up above matey's! We have work to do!" Liven up the head worker. He was the first to get into the building, no fear, many people thought he's crazy. But come to think about it, who wouldn't be weirded out into enjoying something you know something, isn't right. The rest of the workforce entered the building a few moments later, following behind the new chief that was deemed labeled, crazy. Crazy indeed.


Inside the building, the workers found themselves in the midst of serious diagnostics. The old building is still standing, this comes to no surprise towards the engineers. Starting to the pillars, these 67 feet piece of construction expertise are from volcanic rock, with brass steels protecting the bottom bearing, protecting the aluminum inside for the integrity. For years, the people gossiped about the construction of the building has been spilled by the blood of young children's, so the durability can last longer than hundreds of years, the cellar underneath was said to bury all the lives lost. The gossips started when multiple children started to disappear around the area during the midst of it's making, Filipino villagers can be superstitious around every molecular disturbance occurring around them.

"What do you thing Timone?" A worker uttered. "That new OIC, don't you think he's any stranger than ever?"

His companion nods, as they travel down the dull hallway of the school. The whole diagnostics ended quarter to lunch time. Everyone gathers at the lunch tables outside for the replenishing of their strengths. They past by each classrooms, though the creeps the halls gave, the classrooms cancels the feelings out.

"Whoever designed those are certified human traffickers" The worker's tone in a sarcastic matter.

His other companion hits him in the shoulder, offended to what he quoted.

"What? I was just making sense with the rumors of this school all around."

His companion shook his head, disappointed to his friend. "Don't manifest it mate, you know even the most coldest person has their own beliefs."

"Aw, come on! You Killjoy." The worker's disappointment. "I'm getting hungry, in for a snack?"

His other companion nodded, they later left the behind the gloomy, eerie air of the hallway.

As the two get to the turn at the end of the halls, the doors of the lockers slowly creaked open. "Alright, they're gone." A man in a same attire as the maintenance workers revealed himself, along with more mercenaries dressed as the same attires. All this time, they've been inconspicuous towards the security protocols, as they've already ahead by a step. All controls, everything related to protection, has already fell into the hands of the evil whom hidden beyond range.

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