Part seven

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"Wow, you're so pretty Channie!" Her mom smiles at her while playing with her hair "thank you mommy" she smiles back and kisses the bridge of her nose "where's daddy?" The little girl asks "he's at work, he'll be back soon" she coos and picks up the 5 year old as she sits her on her lap "well than he better hurry up" she laughs at her daughters bossiness "yes, he has to hurry" she repeats "Mommy!? Can I get this when I grow up?" She points to her mothers nose ring "when you're old enough Channie, I might even do it for you" she says "okay! Promise?" She holds out her pinky "promise" her mom smiles at her while latching her pinky


"Come on Channie, you have to get ready!" She calls out from the floor below "No!" The 6 year old huffs "We're gonna buy a new toy" she tries to convince her "no" she says "we're going to visit auntie" she finally says "okay" she mumbles before getting ready and putting on her dress that was placed on her bed

They arrive as her mother knocks on the door "hey guys!" Her aunt smiles at them while ushering them inside "the kids are in the room Chanyoungie! Make yourself at home kiddo, the pizzas almost here" she tells the younger while taking her sister by the arm and leading her to their living room to chat


"I don't care Chanyoung! What part don't you understand! Why are you so stupid! Are you trying to make me look bad! Huh?! Is that it! You should know your place, your not my daughter" The woman slaps her niece while sending her into the next room as guests start to flood the house

"Welcome!" She greets while they smile "hello Sooyoung! Your house is lovely, where are your kids?" They ask while looking around as she smiles tightly "well you know my eldest son had a concert today and my youngest had a spelling bee so they can't be here, but they'll show up! They're are refreshments over there and please! Enjoy yourselves" she shows them to the living room as she gets stopped by her friend "didn't you say your niece was here! Where is she, I want to meet the new addition to the family" she smiles as Sooyoung just nods "she had detention, you know how wild children can be! I'm just trying to make a better life for her, after all she is like a daughter to me. I know how much she has been through" she says as she knows the girl is in the other room

"You're such a strong person Soo, I want to be like you. I was thinking of adopting you know hard things have been with my husband." They continue their chat as more people enter the house for Sooyoung's party


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's performance! Our soloist Lee Chanyoung, will surely impress you all" the conductor smiles as the girl walks out Cello in hand and bows before walking to her seat next to the conductor and bows to the concert master before looking at the rest of the orchestra and giving her signature gummy smile to everyone as she sits and the clapping ends

She hears the orchestra begin to tune and tunes all her strings before waiting for her cue
(What she's going to play ⬇️)

She looks around after her performance and spots familiar faces of her friends, her boyfriend, and her teachers but her heart drops when she see's that none of her family is there. She feels her heart beat much faster as she bows and leaves the stage feeling heartbroken for the millionth time

Jisung watches her leave the stage and heads backstage to see what was wrong

"Hey, whats wrong Channie?" He looks at her as her boba eyes look like she's about to cry "I don't know why I get my hopes up... I thought they might show up, I don't know why I keep thinking that maybe one day they'll care... that they might show up to support me, that things will change. I could show them I'm not useless." She sighs as she grabs her water and drinks some before looking in the mirror and seeing her ruined makeup "you're not useless Channie, they missed it, so what? They'll never get how amazing you are. How kind you are! After all the pain they put you through you're willing to let it all go, you don't deserve them. You deserve everything. Because guess what?! Someday all you have ever wanted will be there, right in front of you. And if they're not their to experience it, I will. And they'll know how badly they fucked up" he smiles at her while wiping her tears

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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