Part two

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"Welcome to your new home ms Chanyoung" the woman smiles at the girl as she looks at the house in delight "I know its hard but you'll have to adjust to being here, can you do that for mommy? Promise me you'll behave Channie" The woman smiles at her young daughter as she holds out her pinky as the young girl nods "will you promise to get better?" Her mom's smile falters but smiles and takes her daughters hand for the last time before kissing her forehead and the girl enters as her aunt passes her and smiles "hey Chanyoung, head inside" she smiles at her before turning to her sister as the girl walks through and disappears through a hallway

♪⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚꩜
6:00 am

"You're awake" are the first words she hears as she wakes up feeling her head pounding as she looks up and feels her hands being restrained as they are tied behind a chair. Whoever the people where took her stuff, her bag, her jacket, she felt uncomfortable as she squirmed until she remembered theres another person in there "Lee Chanyoung... pretty name" he says in a soft voice "thank you" is all she can mutter out as he snickers "we could kill you, right now, right here" he smiles almost devilishly as she's on the verge of tears "I'm sorry" I whisper "sorry for what?" He says as he loads his gun in front of me "for being nosy" his face brightens up "hmm" is all she hears as he leaves and another figure comes in

"Wow" she whispers as a cute guy walks in "thank you!" He smiles showing his cute dimples as her eyes form an eye smile "don't worry about Anton, he's just being moody! But come on, you must be starving!" He helps her out her restraints as she feels her wrists and the guys eyes widen "whoa, are you okay?" He asks seeing her scars as she just puts her hands in her pockets and smiles at him "thank you, you're so-" "nice? Well thank you! Im Shotaro, but you can call me Taro" "ah- like milk tea?" "Oh yeah, I'm adopting you" he smiles to himself as she furrows her eyebrows "I'm older than you kiddo, we all are... well Antons your age, he just looks old" he makes a stinky expression by waving his hand in front of his face and grimacing

They arrive to the kitchen where Shotaro looks in the cupboard while pulling a chair for her "were not gonna eat you, besides you'll have to get cozy here! You'll be spending a long time here" he says in an almost eerie way making her see his demon side as his face goes back to his usual cute smile as she sits down "how do you guys know my name, who are you guys?" She mumbles under her breath "we looked through your bag, obviously. And what we do is not a girls concern" a guy says as he walks into the room and bro hugs Shotaro "meet Sungchan!" "Hey pretty" he winks holds his hand out for her to shake as Shotaro smacks his hand away " dude!" Shotaro scoffs "you're scaring her!" Sungchan rolls his eyes before smiling at her and flexing as she looks at him without amuse and uses all the strength in her body not to roll here eyes knowing what they could do

"Sick lyrics by the way" he says as he sits down next to her while placing his hand over her arms as two other guys walk in looking dead "Eunseok" one says so she assumes thats his name and the other looks at her and scoffs before they all gather and sit at the table "is Anton no eating or what?" The other with the bob grunts "nah, you know him probably needs his beauty sleep or else he'll be craz-..." Sungchan doesn't finish his sentence as the one they refer to as Anton enters and sits down looking at Sungchan up and down "get off her" he says in his soft voice as Sungchan rolls his eyes and takes his arm off of the girl "so Chanyoung right?" Shotaro smiles as he sets the plates "yes?"

"what did you see tonight" he goes back to serious mode as his eyes darken, as everyone else stares at her "I was walking to catch the last bus when I heard a bang and my curiosity got the best of me... I saw a man on the floor and someones back as they held a gun..." they turn and look at Anton "what?" He grumbles "you said there was no one in the area" the one with the bob says as he grits his teeth "she was in the store, how was I supposed to know she left earlier than what the sign said!" He says as he gets up and leaves "that was the loudest I ever heard him talk" Eunseok says in shock as they ignore him

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