Chapter 17 - Fleur

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NPC = Non Player Character = Characters in a game world that are not controlled by another player but are instead controlled by the game itself. Some are just there to fill the world a little, while others are there to give you quests, or sell you items and things like that. I love the funny things that some of the NPCs will say, but you'll have to stand near them to hear it.

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I said that... I can't believe I actually said that I might actually like her... And she said...

I can't keep my mind in a single direction. Alex is still walking next to me, holding my hand, as we're going to pick up my bike. My heart is beating loudly and I feel it's hard to swallow. No matter how much I thought about this possibility before, no matter what Jade asked me... I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to consider this is actually happening.

But Alex is looking so cool and grownup next to me. She looks so much older, so much calmer. I feel like a little kid now. How can this change again? How can we get back to being equal? I don't know. I hate feeling like I'm the little kid anywhere...

"Fleur?" Alex pulls on my arm a little. "You still there?" Her voice is soft, and as I turn to her, so are her eyes.

"Sorry. I..." I'm just a little caught up in my own head. Though I don't think I actually have to tell her that... She already knows that, she understands things like this.

She smiles a little. "I actually wanted to ask you something. Cerise and I are having our birthday party in a couple of weeks. We're still trying to decide on the exact dates, but it will probably be a weekend thing. It will be girls only, and will be girls from the guild and other girls we know from Elysium."

"That sounds... interesting?" A girlgamer only party, I'm not exactly sure what to expect from that though.

Alex shrugs a little. "We'll probably all be taking our computers or laptops with us, and we'll be spending most of the time in Elysium or other games. Cerise's parents have a big house and we can have a LAN-party there easily. Do you want to come?" There is hope in her eyes.

I nod. "Sounds fun. I don't know many girls who play a lot of videogames."

"That's why we love to do this." Alex grins. "I'll let Cerise know you said yes."

"I'll still have to ask my mom though."

"Fair enough. Though, I think she'll be fine with it, after today."

I can't help but laugh. "True. She seemed impressed with you."

"I'm good at impressing people." She winks and my cheeks heat up. That was a flirt, right?

We reach my bike, and I unlock it, grabbing it. Having my bike... I realise that soon I'll be going home, on my own. Away from Alex. "Alex?" I'm not even sure what I want to say, but my voice is a little rough.

"Yeah?" She turns to me, putting her hand on the handle-bar, near mine. "I was serious when I said that I don't expect anything special from you. I don't want you to be scared. I..." She takes a breath. "I really enjoy just spending time with you, no matter what happens."

My heart sinks a little. I don't want her to sound like that. I don't want her to sound like I may be scared of her. I'm not and I would never be. "I'm not scared. I'm just... confused." I slide my hand over, covering hers, squeezing a little. "I like spending time with you too. I want to spend more time with you." Why are those stupid tears there again? Why?

Alex reaches out, wiping at the tears with her thumb, then holding me for a moment. "We will. But everything in its own time." She smiles, then her phone buzzes. She takes her phone and frowns. "My mom's here."

Her Elysium (Flowers and Keyboards 1) {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now