The Boy's Spirit

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Let me tell you the story of a boy. This boy was quite an unfortunate one. He was the fourth son in a house that barely fit two. His hair was snow white and his eyes a piercing crimson. Far too different from his siblings and father. They were no fools but chose to willingly blind themselves of the mother's actions. Choosing instead to enact justice on the boy in her stead.

The mother did not act, nor did she weep for the condemend child. She sat behind it all, thankful for her husband's blind love. The boy suffered for many years. Neglect and abuse became common place. It only worsened over the years as he learned to walk and then to run. He ran so as to avoid his unjust punishments but of course they only became far worse.

He ran from those he wronged with whatever lose lien he could manage so that he may survive. He got better and better at running but he was always caught in the end. What good is running if there are walls in the way? Yes indeed, no matter how hard nor how fast he ran he was always forced to a stop. Those cruel siblings, the man who pretended to be his father, the absent mother, and those who upheld the law would always catch up with him no matter how fast he went when there were walls in place.

Yes indeed his suffering only got worse. Yet he kept running, what else was he supposed to do? He was not strong for he was starved. He was not smart for he was deprived. He was barely even cunning just so he could survive. Thus when the day when the walls turned to ash and fire consumed his home he was prepared. He lept from the window, leaving behind those who masquerated as his siblings and parents. He ran from those who upheld the law in spite of their plees.

How was he supposed to know they were there to save him when all they did was drag him back to his captors? And when the beasts of black and white made their presence known to him with their sharpened claws, their gnarled teeth, and their hungered maws he ran from them too. He ran and ran, the beasts shockingly keeping up with the boy who ran. So he ran faster and he ran further. Past the walls that made up his prison and past the trees that made up the outside world, not even granted a moment to enjoy his freedom.

Eventually though, even the boy who ran couldn't run forever. Though instead of finding himself in the beasts maw or overcome by exhaustion he found what he could only describe as his spirit. His spirit to live, to fight, and to stop running. His once eyes of piercing red gave way to ornate silver. He never returned to his prison to confront his captors nor the guards. Choosing instead to push forward as that day was the day the boy was reborn. He threw away his past identity and past problems to forge an identity that ran towards the future, spurred on by his spirit and strength of will.

The boy would run all across the land, so happy to be free of his cage. He would run and run and run until his feet grew numb and his breath shortened. Then and only then was he willing to plant his feet and rest so that he may freely run again. Such an odd approach to life caught the attention of a crow. The crow was crass and rude and honestly didn't smell that good but for what it lacked in hygeine and manners it made up for in integrity and its kindness.

The boys spirit and the crow worked in tandam to covince the boy to be taken under the crows wings. When the boy accepted he learned he could do so much more than run. The crow taught the boy to fly and much to both the boy and the crow's shock he was a natural. As if he had always had wings. He had just never unfurled them. None the less the crow still taught the boy. He became strong as he was fed. He became smart as he was gifted knowledge. He even became more cunning than ever for the crow was still a crow after all.

So when it came time for the boy to finally fly on his own it was only natural that he flew far above the clouds. He soared above them like it was meant to be. He soared so high and for so long on his own that he caught the attention of the man in the tower. The man in the tower met the boy's gaze with curiousity. The boy's own eyes began to brim with curiousity as the man noticed him for he noticed the wisdom and conviction behind the man. He had such a strong spirit that the boy could only watch on with awe as the man stepped down from his tower to greet the boy when he landed.

Even though the boy flew and ran to his hearts content the man from the tower had chosen to step down and personally greet him. The boy was emboldened and his spirit grew stronger as the man offered him something he could only dream of. The man told him about the land surrounding his tower and how it could help the boy grow even stronger, smarter, and yes even faster. How the land could help the boy make a difference beyond just running and flying wherever he could. There was more, so much more.

The man was delightful and kind in tone. So of course the boy quickly accepted. Choosing once more to be taken under the wing of another for some time so that he may grow as he was finally offered the ability to do more than run by someone one that wasn't himself. The boy was offered a chance to become a beacon, thanks to his spirit and steength of will, for those around him so that they may gain the strength to run towards their problems and not away. To fly above the clouds and never be caged up, their wings forever furled.

Thus beginning the story of the boy who ran...

A story of innocence lost
A story of optomistic outlooks
A story of hardship
A story of loss and acceptance
A story of pushing forward
A story of fighting the odds
A story of found family
A story of the boy names Y/n Rose

A story of the boy who ran...

Author's Notes: Greetings and welcome to this brand new book! I hope you enjoy it going forward as I absolutely adore what i've done for the first chapter.

That being said I should say my piece so that everyone is on the same page. This book will not have a preset release schedule. Pages will appear whenever a chapter is finished, in the event two chapters are finished in the same day the release will be staggered by 24h. The reason for the unspecified schedule is due to the fact that this book is meant to do three things.

1. Allow me to write a book without percieved obligations to you lot because my odiot brain sucks at being reasonable some times.

2. Give me a writing outlet for whenevet the urge to write strikes me especially in the cases where I can't come up with how I want my two scheduled books "Respite Long Awaited" & "Identity Ticket".

3. Avoid burn out and creative stagnation. Essentially give me something to do in my free time with only my own whims to guide me.

Should you grow disatisfied with this I would honestly recommend reading the other two books as they stick to a schedule of semi-weekly releases every Saturday at 10am PST (shameless reminder) or to not read my work if you prefer neither as my offerings.

That all being said, should enough hype and interested be generated I may be swayed to work on this more but even then I want to avoid issues so it'll still be at my own speed.

Anywas all the usual stuff. Ctrl+C Ctrl+V... Tips, Tricks, Ideas and Criticisms are welcomed and encouraged!

Oh yeah! Forgot to mention, this book is based off the trailer of the same name in my trail book.

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