1. This must be miracle

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Ruby, why did you do this?

That was Ellen's dying thought as she looked up at her sister-in-law Rudbeckia, who made her drink the wine laced with poison.

Ruby's gaze was as cold as the ground she was lying in. She was as ruthless as the day she met her a few years ago.

"Do not forgive me, Ellen."

Ruby said with her ever cold expression. Confused as to why she said that, Ellen only looked at her in response. Soon then, black swallowed her vision and the poison finally took its final effect.

However, she opened her eyes to a familiar room the next moment.

Ellen was obviously surprised. A whirlwind of emotions came to her and she was unable to make a coherent thought for a few moments. 

She tried to wake herself up – believing it was only a dream or some sort of occurrence that happens after death.

But it was to no avail. Ellen was still in her bedroom, alive and healthy.

"Good morning, mistress."

At the greeting, Ellen turned her head. Her face still had a trace of confusion which she soon shook off. Even so, the head maid was quick to notice what was off to her.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" She asked worriedly.

Ellen instinctively shook her head. "I... I just felt a little bit hot. Please pull up the curtains."

Although she wasn't convinced, the head maid only nodded in understanding.

Soon then, she took a bath prepared by the head maid herself.

Ellen was still thinking about how she returned to life when she clearly died in Ruby's hands.

She could still remember the slow death the poison gave her, making her wince at the thought of it.

Pouring a handful of water over her head, Ellen let her mind relax. She had to calm down or else she wouldn't be able to think properly.

Soon enough, the soothing effect of water mixed with herbal packets took an effect on her mind and body. Ellen sighed in relief and got out of the bathtub.

Now that her mind was clear, she could think some of the possibilities as to how she came back to life.

It was either a man-made occurrence or heaven's pity. But Ellen felt it was more likely the latter since there was no one who dared to study the forbidden study: resurrection.

If it's the latter, why her then? Why did the heavens took pity on her and bring her back to life? Of all people, why her?

No matter how Ellen thinks, she couldn't come up with an answer to that question. She could only assume that she was just extremely lucky to be alive again.

Balling her fists, Ellen accepted her situation and made a vow to protect her family against the villainous Borgias.


And so, Ellen learned what year she was in. Apparently, she returned five years from the past, a year before the Princess of Romania married her brother. It was more than enough time to change the version of events that will take place in a year.

"Father, I'll marry the Pope's son."

Everyone froze at the announcement Ellen made in the middle of their quiet dinner.

Izek was the first to react with a frown on his face. "What's with the spontaneity?"

"I clearly said my say. I'll marry the Pope's son to put a stop to this conflict."

"I am not stupid, Ellen. What I wanted to imply is that do you really mean that?" Izek replied, still with a frown.

"Hush down, Izek. Ellen, what changed your mind? I thought you don't favor this arrangement." This time, her father Duke Omerta asked.

Ellen wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin before proceeding to reply.

"I am not against this solution, Father. I was just scared at first, but now, I am fine with it. I'll be fine."

Duke Omerta could only nod in understanding and belatedly sighed.

"I am confident that you'll do well, but the Princess of Romania insisted to be wed to your brother. I've already said yes."

Both Ellen and Izek looked at him. One was surprised, while the other one was calm. Unfortunately, it was Ellen who was surprised.

"When... When did you meet with them?!"

Although equally surprised from his daughter's reaction, Duke Omerta answered calmly.

"It was only through letter. I sent my agreement a few days ago." 

Looking at Ellen in the eye, it was now Duke Omerta's turn to ask.

"Do you disagree with my decision?"

Faced with such question, Ellen shook her head. She wanted to tell them that they will all die in the hands of that family, but she couldn't because she had no concrete evidence to support her claim.

Although her family was already wary of Borgias, they couldn't easily throw such allegations against them.

Borgia was a very powerful family. That's why they agreed to have a union between their families despite not trusting each other. It was all for the peace and safety of their people.

In the end, Ellen could only sit down again.

"Apologies for my behavior. I didn't mean any distrust. I am just simply surprised that the Princess herself expressed her desire to marry my brother."

"It's alright, Ellen." Duke Omerta gave a small smile. "While we're on this topic, I'd be informing you that we are to hold this wedding soon."

Ellen clutched her hands underneath the table. It was just like what happened before, but this time it was much sooner.

Ruby will marry her brother, then proceed to torment everyone else with her demands. If that happens, they will not last even a year. Ellen can't let that happen.


After dinner, Ellen immediately headed back to her room. She took a look at the outline of future events she made a few days ago.

Ellen pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to think of reasons why the wedding is going to happen soon. It was supposed to take place in a year, yet why did they receive it soon?

To her fear, one of the Borgias might have gone back to the past just like her. Else, why did the date of the wedding change? Ellen could only hope that her assumption was false.

For the Second Time | Ellenia van OmertaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ