12| Believe In Me

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When we stand up, I hope she'll offer me the bowl of berries, but she doesn't. Instead, she holds onto it. She doesn't extend it.

Disappointed, I return my hands to my sides that were ready to take the bowl she'd have offered.

She smiles softly, her eyes holding a gentle warmth. "I need to wash them, prince. After that, I'll give them to you."

I nod, feeling a twinge of embarrassment for causing her extra effort. "I can do that myself, you don't need to trouble yourself."

"It's no trouble at all. I don't mind," she assures me.

I let out a sigh, trying to convey that it's no trouble for me. After a brief pause, she passes me the bowl.

As I glance up, I notice her smile faltering slightly as her gaze fixes on my face. "Is there something wrong?" I ask, puzzled by her sudden change in expression. Pausing, I extend the bowl towards her. "You can wash them if you prefer"

She nods slowly, her gaze lingering on my face. "Uhm... there's some reddish marks around your lips, prince," she mentions hesitantly.

I touch my lips, realizing the source of the reddish marks. I steal a quick glance away from Lady Blair and rub my mouth with the back of my hand, feeling flustered. This shouldn't have happened.

As I continue rubbing my lips, she stops me gently. "You shouldn't rub it so aggressively," she advises, concern evident in her tone. I withdraw my hands, feeling a bit embarrassed.

She points at my face and offers me a handkerchief. "Here," she says softly, indicating where I should clean. I accept the handkerchief and proceed to wipe away the marks. She points to another spot near my chin, indicating that there's more to clean. I attempt to address it, but she shakes her head gently. "Not there, prince, a little upward," she corrects me.

I follow her guidance, but once again, I seem to miss the mark. Frustrated with my clumsiness, she takes the handkerchief from me. "Let me help you," she offers kindly.

I stand still as she steps closer, positioning herself just a step away from me. With a delicate touch of tip of fingers, she stabilizes my chin and rubs the handkerchief over my lower lip, swiftly and confidently.

I can't help but admire her skill, but the thought crosses my mind that she's probably used to this, given her responsibility for her younger brother.

But then it hits me—I can't compare myself to a child in need of her care. Yet, here I am, in need of her assistance.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, I find myself lost in her gaze. She catches me staring at her face closely. I try to avert my gaze, but find myself instinctively drawn back to her face, which is now uncomfortably close to mine. I'm unsure of where else to look, my eyes inadvertently meet hers once again. Where else am I supposed to look at? I'm puzzled.

She is focused and determined in her task, her gaze is fixed on my lips. As she stands here, head tilted up, I can't help but notice the striking difference in our heights. She seems small and fragile compared to my larger frame.

"Done" she whispers, a fleeting smile graces her lips, a brief moment of satisfaction in task's accomplishment.

Her gaze lingers on my lips for a moment longer, but now it carries a different weight, her face is visibly saddened. Before I can process it fully, she withdraws abruptly and hurries away.

"Kaiden?" my mother suddenly calls out from behind. I turn around and see her standing before me, "What was happening here?"

I look back and take my gaze back to her, she already disappeared. What do I explain now? How do I? My decency won't let me say such things to my mother. "Lady Blair was... here to give me these berries that she collected from town this early morning" I lift the bowl and show her.

Always Be My BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora