🧡 sketchy..

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I woke up in my bed alone and walked downstairs to see dogday on his knees with Bobby bearhug drawing on my coffee table. (On a paper, not the actual table)
My ear flicks on annoyance as I saw Bobby touch his arm, but I wandered off to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
I filled it up and chugged it right in the kitchen, then put the cup in the sink to wash later.
When I walked back into the living room, dogday was helping Bobby with her drawing.
" it'd look better if you colored this in with blue!" He pointed out, grabbing the pencil crayon from her hand and guiding it across the paper. 
My ear flicked in annoyance again as I felt myself bottle up with jealousy, I had to get out of here before I did something I wished I hadn't.

" I'm gonna go on a walk.." I looked away, Bobby paid no attention to me, and dogday turned around happily.
" WALK?! can I come?!"
NOW Bobby looked at me.
" Can I join if dogday does?!"
My eye twitched a bit as I put on a very fake smile. Odvious, I wanted to be alone, and I knew dogday got the message when his face dropped, and he suddenly looked nervous.
I walked out of the house without another word and took a walk around the neighborhood, finding a trail that led into the forest and leading down it.

I started to draw slower. That look, he looked so annoyed..
" Bobby.. you don't think he's mad at me, do you?"
She turned her head to face me, smiling confusingly.
" Who? Catnap? I don't know, I didn't pay too much attention to him." She glanced at my drawing and started to scribble something on hers.

(This is the closest photo I can get to represent the look catnap gave, lmao

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(This is the closest photo I can get to represent the look catnap gave, lmao. Imagine that, but his mouth closed. And he isn't on all fours.......)

I overthought the situation,  but I kept drawing. After I finished, I got up and hung my drawing on catnaps fridge. It was a photo of all of the critters together. Me and catnap were in the middle standing side to side.

Bobby expressed her liking to the photo and showed me a half finished fanart she was made of me.. it felt awkward, but I pictured this was her love language, pushing boundaries

Me and her walked out of catnaod house, and I figured I'd look for catnap. He'd been on a walk for an hour now, I checked all his favorite places, and he wasn't there.  I asked around to some of the neighbors, the best evidence of him being from Bubba, who said he sae catnap walk down a forest trail.
The only thing was, we had multiple forest trails. So I started following them one by one....
I was on the 3rd trail, scoping the trees and looking around for a purple figure, until I saw a fimilar cat sleeping in the smallest patch of lavender I've ever seen. Some lavender not even sprouted yet.

I walked over to him and sat down across from him, admiring his resting face for a moment before waking him up..
" Catnap-?"
His eyes bolted awake, his pupils tiny, and his fur puffed up as he jumped and starred at me.
" Jesus! There's no need to scare me. What the hell?!" He said, gliding his hand over his now puffed up and crazy fur, hid pupils growing bigger until they were they're normal size again.
" Oh! I'm sorry..  I didn't mean to sneak up on you.. " i assured.
He sighed and repositioned to he sitting on his knees in front of me.
" How'd you find me anyways?" He grunted as he now had an annoyed look on his face again as he glanced to the side of him.
" I followed each of the trails.. whyd you run away?"
" Run away?" He said sarcastically.
" You said you were going for a walk? Instead, you hid in a trail and slept? What if we couldn't find you until night!" I explained, getting a bit annoyed at the blatant attitude he was giving me.
" I needed to get away. Didn't seem like you and Bobby minded, though." He snarled. His fangs showing a bit.
" Is that what this is about? Me drawing with Bobby?" I barked at him.
He hissed to himself a bit.
" When you put it like that, it sounds pathetic. It's more than that. " He slumped backward and leaned on a tree. Still giving me an annoyed bitch face as he tilted his head at me.
I sighed annoyingly and rubbed my face with my hands.
" There's nothing going on between me and her. You don't have to worry." I sighed. Looking back at him, he had an annoyed pout now as he avoided eye contact. He mumbled something under his breath and stood up.
He walked towards me and grabbed my cheeks with his hands, his claws digging into my fur a bit, and I winced a bit at the pain. 
" You're mine. Got it?"
I whined, his voice turned into a raspy whisper as he let go of my face and snarled at himself.
" I'm sorry. I don't know what got over myself." He sighed.
I stared at the ground for a few seconds, my eyes wide. I looked back at him, and he had a guilty look on his face.
I didn't know something, so terrifying and controlling could be so attractive.
" It's okay.. I understand why you'd feel like that."

The sun started setting, and we held hands as we talked about the situation while we made our way back to the neighborhood. 
I'm glad he opened up to me about the situation! I could feel myself smile a bit.
By the time we made it back, it was pitch black out. I could feel myself cowering against the taller male as our pendants produced a light so we could see. I held onto his arm, and he reassured me where we were fine, but the howls of coyotes in the distance told me otherwise. We made it back to his house after he pleaded for me to stay another night. When we got in, I glanced at the photo on the fridge. It now had a tainted meaning, as Bobby drew quite a bit on it. So while he wasn't looking, I crumpled it up and threw it away, as much as it pained me to do so.

I started a shower and catnap started to get ready for bed, as I went in the bathroom I locked the door and felt the lukewarm water seep through my fur and run down my body, as I turned the water hotter I felt ecstasy shiver down my spine as the hot water over filled the lukewarm water...

I had to clean up dogdays and bobbies drawing mess. Putting everything in their respective  orders and containers. I went into the downstairs bathroom as dogday occupied the upstairs one, and I fixed my fur a bit, I was still thinking over the situation today.. and I felt myself pent up with jealousy again, even after me and dogday talked about it. A part of me was glad dogday was showering, to get the handprints of Bobby off of him, snd to replace them with mine.
I don't want anyone to touch him. Especially not Bobby..  I'll make sure they won't touch him ever again.

After about half an hour I got out and dried my fur in the bathroom before stepping out, when I reached catnaps bedroom I saw he had already crawled into bed and was reading a book, I smiled and brushed my fur out in the vanity mirror he had in his room, I could hear him get up from the bed and he walked over to me, hugging me from behind and wrapping his arms around my waist.
He dug his face into my neck and closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he traced my torso with his hands.
My eyes widened as I paused in place. I felt my face burning up again, snd this time, I could see it too. God, I looked awful when I blushed.
I saw him open his eyes and stare at me through the mirror.
He smiled a bit before kissing my cheek and leaving to return to the bed once again.

I stood in place shocked ibfront of the mirror. Only moving after I heard him get into bed.
What was that?? Was that intimate? Affectionate? What did that mean?
So many questions ran through my head as I set my brush down and walked over to his bed and crawled in next to him.
I felt his eyes burn through my skin as I turned the end side table lamp off, exposing us to pure darkness, as our pendants were in the other room.
I heard him breath in deeply, as he rolled over and pulled be against his torso, my back pressed up against his chest. He wrapped his tail around my leg and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head near the crook of my neck and my ear.
I heard him breath in deeply and breath out slowly, his hot breath brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I once again froze. I didn't know what to do? It was onky when I heard his soft snores that I relaxed and hugged against his arm, I thought he was sleeping, but he proved me wrong when me moved his arm to be under my arm, but in front of my face. I wrapped my arms around his arm and snuggled against his fur. He was so warm. His claws are always out, I don't think he can retract them, so I glided my fingers against them for a few seconds, they're so sharp.. he has to sharpen them every few days for them to be like this.
He pressed his face against my neck and exhaled loudly, clearly getting comfortable.
I closed my eyes and felt myself getting drowsy.. I heard catnap softly purr right before I drifted off to sleep..
.... I love that he gets over-protective.

(editors note!)
I'm sorry if some sentences don't make sense, or have spelling errors. A common mistake I always make is writing these at 12 at Night 😭

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