!light🙊 Lavender vanilla.

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I woke up, and the catnap was gone.
I tiredly sat up and rubbed my eyes, glancing at the two pendant necklaces on my nightstand, a moon, and sun.
My eyes widened as I realized catnap forgot his pendant.
I stumbled up, my low iron catching up to me as I saw black fuzziness fill my vision as I tried to rush my way out of my room, the pendants in hand.
I stopped in the bathroom to brush my fur a bit before rushing out of my house and running to catnaps.
It's protocol to wear your pendant regularly. You can get in trouble for not.

I stopped at his doorstep, panting and leaning my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I softly knocked on his door, and he awnsered fast, I looked up at him, one eye closed, and the other tiredly half lidded, still leaning on my knees, panting.
I caught my breath after a few seconds and fixed my posture as I held out his pendant.
The whole time, his eyes were wide open, his tail swishing around like ocean waves.
" You came all the way here to give me my pendant?"
I nodded as he took it from my hands and observed me.
" Dogday.. it's 4 a.m.. I could have gotten it myself in the morning.."He looked at me worridly.
My eyes widened as I looked around. The sky was pitch black.
" It's 4am?!" I raised my voice a bit.
" Did you not check your clock before you came here..?"
I shook my head.
" I woke up and sae your pendant. So I just got up and ran to give you it back.. I thought it was morning.." I pondered off..
" Come inside, it's too late to be awake." He held the door open for me.
I slid into his house, an overwhelming scent of lavender rushed over me. I've never been in here before.
He walked over to his coffee table and set the pendant down, then he turned to look at me as I explored his house with my eyes.

" Doggy?"
" Hm? Yeah?"
He nervously looked to the side.
"Uh-. You need sleep. You can sleep wherever you want, my room is upstairs to the left." He smiled awkwardly at me.
" I don't have to stay here tonight if you don't want me to." I said, giving him an understanding look and reaching for the door.
His eyes widened." No! I want you to stay - it's just - I'm not tired. Won't it be awkward knowing I'm awake while you sleep?"
" No! Not at all!"
He smiled at me as I walked and sat on the couch.
" Do you like tea?"
He said as he walked off to the kitchen.
" Sure! " I've never tried tea before.. I figured I'd like it.
" whay kind? I have a lot."
He shouted across the house.
" Any to help with sleep.."
I mumbled quietly.
" Got it!" He said. How did he hear that? He's across the house.. I could barely hear myself?
I got caught off guard as he walked in with two mugs and handed me one.
He started sipping it as he sat down next to me. I sipped mine, too.
It was bitter but not gross. It tasted better than sleep medicine, that's for sure.
I started drinking it regularly as the catnal gathered me a blanket and got himself a book. I finished the cup and placed It on the coffee table.
I felt myself drowsing off, I curled up in the blanket and laid my tail over catnaps lap, and fell asleep.

I barely noticed his tail on my lap, I didn't quite mind, I was lost in my book. It was when I looked over and saw him curled up sleeping that I shut my book and stared at him. He's so adorable.
I smiled to myself as I started purring, then I got up and picked him up, carrying him bridal style to my bedroom.
I set him down on my bed and tucked him in. He was fast asleep.
I snuck some of my sleeping gas into his tea, figured it'd help him sleep. But now I guess he's in a deep sleep.

I climbed under the blankets next to him and wrapped my tail around him as I cradled him in my arms.
I loved just feeling him. His presence, his body, everything.
I closed my eyes happily as I just held him. I didn't feel like falling asleep. I'd rather just stay awake and keep him in my arms. It was a better feeling.
Occasionally, he'd softly snore or drool a bit, which made the experience way better.
My purring was so loud that I could feel his body vibrate along with it. I'm surprised it didn't wake him up.

I felt his body jerk and his breathing pitched, I opened my eyes and let my arms loose around as he woke up and sat up somewhat terrifyingly.
His pupils were dilated, and I could hear his heart thumping fast.
I sat up with him, remembering the sleeping gas gives you nightmares. Shit.

" w-where am I?" He stuttered
I wrapped my tail around him and grabbed his cheek with my hand.
" You're in my house, calm down Doggy, it's okay. I'm here!" I said, panicking.
He reached up and grabbed my wrist of the hand that was holding his cheek. He held onto it as he looked in my eyes, still panicking.
" Is he here?" He looked in my eyes.
" Nothings here. Calm down. It was a nightmare." My face shifted into a worried expression, but his didn't change.
Whatever dream he had, it was terrifying. And it didn't seem like he'd calm down any time soon.

He started ranting and panickingly, asking questions that somewhat related to his nightmare. His words starred up, and his speaking was getting faster and faster. He was having somewhat of a mental breakdown.
Without hesitation, I grabbed his cheeks with both hands and kissed him.

I felt my cheeks heat up as he leaned forward and grabbed my face, kissing me.
My tail thumped against the bed, and I kissed him back.
He let out a " Mmph-" sound before pulling away.
" I-im sorry! It seemed like the only way to calm you down!" He nervously laughed and avoided eye contact, his cheeks becoming a bright shade of red.
My face felt on fire, but I leaned forward and kissed him again.
He wrapped his arms around me, and I held onto his face (like in the photo at the beginning of the story ) .

His tail wrapped around my thigh, and he dug his claws into my fur a bit, but I didn't mind.
He purred loudly before pushing me backward, making me land on me back. He crawled on top of me and started kissing my neck.
He grinded his tail against my crotch and slid his hands down the sides of my waist, I heard myself whimpering a bit, and felt him smile against my neck as he laid hickies all along it.

I slid my hand behind his ear, caressing his head as I shut my eyes.
As he started to drag his hands down to my lower stomach, I stopped him.
" C-catnap--."
He looked up at me, stopping what he was doing, I felt his claws dig into my lower stomach a bit. (That's a bit odd? Wonder why such a specific area 🧐😉)
I stated at him, not knowing what to say next. We both wanted this, but it was too late. The clock on his nightstand read 3:21am, and the whole interaction I felt myself getting a bit drowsy..
" It's late -.. " I looked away, He loosened his grip around my lower stomach and climbed off of me, laying beside me.
I looked at his face, expecting him to be mad. But he just smiled at me.
" I understand! " he said, caressing his hand against my cheek.
" Just know I love you. "
I smiled and nodded at him. He pulled me closer to him, and I laid my head on his chest.
Before I fell asleep, I felt his claws softly dig into the back of my head.
I hope he wasn't mad..

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