Time Terminology, Medicine Cat Tasks & Common Practices.

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Time Terminology (from Warriors)!

Seasons: cats measure a year through the seasons, every four is one year.

New-leaf: Spring.

Green-leaf: Summer.

Leaf-fall: Autumn/Fall.

Leaf-bare: Winter.

Sunhigh: when the sun is at its highest, roughly noon.

Sunrise/Sun: equates to one day.

Sundown: sunset.

Sunup: sunrise.

Moon: equal to one month, every full moon. Roughly 29-30 days.

Moonhigh: when the moon is at its highest, roughly midnight.

Moonrise: when the moon rises.

Claw-Moon: a crescent moon, when it looks like a claw.

Half-Moon: half a moon, roughly two weeks in human time.

Quarter-Moon: a quarter of a moon, roughly one week.

Medicine Cat Tasks!

1. Knowledge of all herbs, and storing a supply of them in their den.

2. Tending all wounded and sick cats.

3. Assisting queens while they are pregnant, kitting, or nursing.

4. Checking up on the health of the Clan cats daily; especially queens, kits, and elders.

5. Travelling to the Clan place of worship every half-moon to speak and gain knowledge with StarClan.

6. Interpreting prophecies and omens and sharing them with the Clans leader.

7. Acommpany the Clan deputy to the mothermouth for the moonstone, for the ceremony to leader rank should the past one have retired or joined StarClan.

8. Educate an apprentice as the Clans next medicine cat.

9. Visiting the Clans place of worship to speak with StarClan when a catastrophe breaks out.

10. Keep peace when the other high ranks fail to do so; unless the medicine cat themself are part of unrest.

Medicine Cat Common Practices!

1. Apprentices, at six moons, are brought to the clans' sacred place (moonstone, moonpool) to be introduced and named before StarClan.

2. Despite popular belief, medicine cat apprentices are not generally expected to treat cats themselves. They are to watch and observe, only treating a cat as they are instructed to do so.

3. An apprentice is to be given their full medicine cat name by their mentor, not the clan leader, at the clan's sacred place (moonstone, moonpool).

4. Once becoming a full medicine cat, the apprentice gets full duties even if their mentor is still alive.

5. Medicine cats normally perform their duties until death, though in rare cases they are demoted or retired.

6. Though medicine cats are not allowed to take mates or have kits, a warrior that has previously had a mate and kits but no longer has their mate may become a medicine cat.

7. Most medicine cats and their apprentices are briefly taught to hunt but normally stay in camp, so if needed they can be asked to participate in patrols, though this is only seen suitable if there are so few warriors and apprentices.

8. Medicine cats are to visit the clan's sacred place (moonstone, moonpool) to communicate to StarClan every half moon, however, they can miss this meeting if they have a suitable reason (injured cat, kitting queen, health issues, iffy if it's a war, etc.). While they will not receive information, if they choose to miss this meet-up simply because of personal reasons or something similar, there will be repercussions from StarClan and relations with the other medicine cats.

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