Belzerg Act - 2

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-Opening Theme-


Axel, the city for everyone to start their lives into the adventures that this world could offer; however, the peaceful mood was gone as the undead army of a dullahan named Verdia, was invading the land yet having priority of exterminating anyone who represented a threat to him. Two teenagers were the prioritized targets to him because of their mana affinities that were the rarest ones for the humans, so he decided to strike their ends before they could even start growing more their magic skills. At this moment, Verdia was in front of the two targeted persons, but between him and them, there was a small blue creature, who appeared out of nowhere.

Verdia: Pointing the sword to his new opponent, "I have never seen something like you. Where do you come from and why do you dare to stand in my way!?"

Sonic: "Well, to be honest, I'm not quite sure how I got here. I just ran through the forest until getting here, but I'm starting to think this isn't my home world," catching Izuku's and Shouko's attention from these words, "but it can be easily told that you are a bad guy, Sir Dark Knight," referring to the destruction of the city caused by the undead army.

Verdia: "Ok, stop calling me that. I'm Verdia, the Hero Slayer, so I won't care if you play yourself to be the hero as I'm doing this invasion for the name of the Demon King, changing his sight to the teenagers, "and those two who wield the mana affinities of light and darkness are the main obstacle for it," causing fear over the two teenagers.

Sonic: Moving his right hand to obstruct as a sign of protection on both Izuku and Shouko, "you gave me more reasons to kick your dark butt," punching his left palm with his right fist, "so, looking now that dialogue will not work how about we just..." preparing himself to battle, "... finish this off."

Verdia: (Why is there always an ignorant person on this invasion?) Sighing and remembering about his previous invasions, there was always trying to fight him back, "then you shall regret raising your will against mine, HYAAA!!!" shaking the ropes of his horse starting the battle.

The blue hedgehog saw how the dark knight was approaching him, charging his sword to strike. He just jumped aside to avoid it; however, his opponent didn't stop as he was going towards Izuku and Shouko to exterminate them. Sonic turned his body into a ball and dashed towards the knight, hitting and pushing away from them towards another street.

Sonic: "You two, better get going somewhere safer," starting to chase down the knight and leaving them.

Izuku: "Wow, he really defeated them in an instance," impressed by the speed of the blue hedgehog while looking at the direction he ran, "he was even faster than many pro heroes," feeling how his friend was pulling his sleeve.

Shouko: [We need to help Luna] Pointing towards where the blond receptionist was unconsciously laying.

Izuku: "Oh, right," going towards Luna to check her, "she's still breathing but quite injured," carrying her with the help of Shouko, "thank you, Komi-san. Now, let's head to the church for better medical aids," starting to walk to their destination, (I hope we get a chance to talk to him about our common situation.)

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