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A/N: Okay, so this is what happens, this is the end of Monika x Fem OC. Again I thank you guys so so so much. It really motivated me to make more chapters. But now it has to come to an end. But uhh for those who are kinda iffy, on stuff like smut or heavily make out scenes I'll put TW's for that, anyways enjoy the epilogue :D


So everything turned out okay for the two. Celeste and Monika were closer in bond more than ever. 

It turns out when they all were in a coma everyone they saw, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri were real people. The sad thing is, they were all dead. MC was devastated to know his childhood best friend existed in real life as well and died the same death. He visits her grave everyday, and so do Celeste and Monika. They all visit everyone's graves. 

Yuri and Natsuki died very gruesomely. Very bloody. They were murdered. Monika felt as she blamed herself for all their deaths so that would explain how in the 'simulation' now known as a shared dream all three of them had during the coma, Monika murdered Sayori. Natsuki and Yuri were gonna be next if Celeste hadn't gotten close to her. Well in the coma dream that is.

Memories were slowly coming back from their life, before the simulation. One single moment at a time. Sometimes neither of them could remember a moment they had during the coma dream, but they all knew what happened. And they escaped and made it out alive.

Celeste was thankful she could still hear Monika say, 'I love you' to her. She was thankful a lot.  They got to celebrate Valentine's day. They went to a fancy restaurant. Just how Monika promised Celeste. They were gonna go on a real date after all this was over. And they finally did.

No matter how you look at their relationship, you can always tell from a different perspective you could tell they went through a lot together. 

Celeste's family welcomed Monika with open arms as if they hadn't met her before. Which they have. Monika and Celeste just don't have a memory of it. So why not recreate it? In the end. They were all happy, Monika, Celeste and MC all were thankful for how it turned out. All they had left to hope for was a happy ending. And did they get it? Yes, yes they did.

Monika and Celeste eventually, left the town they were from and started a new life, of course still contacting their families and including MC, who was starting college. 

As for Oyoma, Monika's older brother, who wished the best for both of them, yes he did exist in the real world too. 

Celeste's older sister, Kiyuki came to visit the family home and bonded with Celeste a little bit before she moved away with Monika. They still keep in touch now. 

So there it was. They had a happy ending. Monika and Celeste, together forever never to ever part, so one day..


Monika's POV: TW Epic make out scene.

'Okay, if I'm gonna do this, then I'm gonna do it right!' I think in my head. I pace back and forth while I wait for Celeste to come out of the bathroom. She was changing her clothes...for our date.. Where I was planning something.. 'That reminds me!'  I quickly check the inside of my jacket. Phew it was still there, and hidden. 

I was wearing a dark blue jacket Celeste picked out for me when we went shopping.I was also wearing a dark grey dress that reached only just above my knees, along with some heeled boots. My hair was down, since Celeste told me I looked pretty with my hair down. 

But the real pretty one was about to come out, any minute now, I hope.. But still, I don't get why she was changing in a different room. I already saw what was already there to see not too long ago. 

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