6: You like me?

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A/N: Hey guys love and support is appreciated thanks so much for the votes and enjoy chapter 6

Monika's POV:

So long story short or short story long. Yes I have a crush, and she is the sweetest thing of all. I can't tell whether her staring at me in class is a sign of her liking me back, or if she is just interested. Now maybe I've become a little obsessive over her. 

Can you blame me though? She's just so cute. Though Celeste, my dear. She seems so sad all of a sudden. Is it because Sayori is gone? Celeste barely knew her. How do I know all of this information you may ask? Well I basically control the universe. I created this place with my mind, a simple simulation to keep myself entertained. But a glitch has gotten into the system. The one who i have fallen for.. Celeste..What is a person doing here?

It doesn't matter. All I care about is having her be mine. My personal love to cherish in my arms and cuddle with all night. Give her kisses.  It's only natural that i gave her some roses the other day. I could tell she liked them. Celeste even put them in a vase by the sun! What a cutie..

And there I was sitting in my living room watching the news report play on the TV about the death of Sayori. I swear I had nothing to do with her death.. from what Sayori did to herself was suicide after all.  Although I was watching, MC finding the death of his childhood best friend i couldn't help but feel bad for him..He really did care for Sayori. He should know thats what happens when you get a little too close to my love..

I have no regrets about what I did. Better yet, I won't even attend her funeral. Maybe I'll go if Celeste is going. I'd do anything to see her up close in a black dress.. She'd look so cute.. And I would be there to comfort her and cry with her- Well fake tears obvi. I was always such a good actor. I'm also known as a charmer. Celeste would fall for me, if she didn't already.. Just waiting and thinking about it any day now..


I was sitting at my desk waiting for class to end but then all of the sudden the lights went out. I jumped out of my seat and everyone in the class was freaking out. I walked over to Celeste's desk and poked her on the shoulder as she was sitting. She jumped out of her chair then quickly calmed down as she knew it was me. 

"Why'd you do that?" Celeste asked seemingly paranoid.

"Just because, anyway after class is over do you wanna hang out?" I smirk. I could see her blushing, but I paid no mind to that. After all Celeste and I were still friends..I wanted to be more than that. 

"But the lights are out?" Celeste said getting out of her seat and crossing her arms. Don't worry some other kids were standing up so we weren't the only ones out of our seats.

"So? That doesn't mean class isn't gonna end?" I say shaking my head still smirking. Celeste rolled her eyes and got out her phone sitting back down at her desk. The phone was basically the whole thing that was lighting up the room.

"Whatcha doing on there?" I question getting behind her looking at her phone screen my hands holding onto her shoulders leaning in to see what was coming from Celeste's phone.

"There is an assembly goin' on for Sayori..So there might not be Literature Club this afternoon.." Celeste started to get anxious in her seat fidgeting with her fingers as she said that. 

"So is that a no to the hanging out thing or..?" I continue to keep my grip on her shoulders while still looking at her phone. I couldn't even tell what was even on there I was now just standing there like that just for fun, I like holding Celeste's shoulders, they feel nice.

♡Our Love♡/ /Monika x !Fem Oc!//♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt