2: Introductions

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A/N: Okay so i see some people are reading it, that makes me glad. Uhm anyway enjoy.


Celelete's POV:

Light taps of both of our feet echo throughout the halls as Monika leads me to her clubroom. I have a feeling I'm not the only one that joined.

She stops at a door and turns around to face me and smiles.

"Well this is the Literature club!" Monika said with a smile on her face.

"Oh alright.." I replied shifting uncomfortably for some reason I feel this strange ora that made my face go red when I'm around her..Is that normal?

Monika opens the door and i'm met with faces turning toward the door, 3 to be specific.

"Is that MC?" The girl with strawberry blonde hair asked as she got up from a desk she was sitting at. But then she saw my face and looked down in disappointment.  

A girl with pink hair looked up and scoffed as she got off the top of a desk. "Not even close..Sayori, isn't MC a boy?" The pink haired girl asked the one with strawberry blonde hair that apparently is named Sayori.

"Yeah..I just got my hopes up okay? I thought my friend would actually come and join but i guess i was wrong.." Sayori replied looking a bit upset. 

I was just standing there confused, i guess these were the members huh? They're all girls.. Pretty ones.. I walked into the classroom led in by Monika and she stood there with her hands behind her back waiting for the 3 other girls to finish their conversation. 

"Ahem." Monika cleared her throat.

Suddenly all the girls stopped talking and stood facing Monika and listened to what she had to say, I also did the same thing and faced her as well.

"Well i was gonna say we have 2 new people joining today but it looks like one of them couldn't make it." As Monika said that Sayori looked down a bit. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for her.

"Alright, i'll let you introduce yourself and get to know each of the girls here." Monika said sitting back and watching. 

"Uhm..Hi my name is Celeste what's your name?" I asked the pink haired girl.

"I am Natsuki, Every club meeting I bring cupcakes, and they're all homemade!" Natsuki said putting both of her hands on her hips and smiling to herself proudly. 

"Huh..Okay. Do you have any favourite kind of writing, genre of any book or..?" I ask for messing with my hands nervously.

"I like reading manga, though Yuri says it's childish i don't care." Natsuki replied seeming a bit ticked off from what I assume Yuri was saying that liking to read manga is childish.

"Okay.." I walked over to the strawberry blonde girl who i know now as Sayori, the one that was upset about the fact her friend did not join the Literature Club today. "Hi." I said waving over to Sayori. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello there! My name is Sayori, what's yours?" Sayori asked me smiling. "My name is Celeste." I replied.. "I'm happy someone new is joining the Literature Club! We don't get that much recognition from the other students even though our President, Monika is very popular." Sayori said.

"Huh..Monika is Popular?" I asked 

"Yeah, she's like, the most smart and athletic student here, haven't you heard about her?" Sayori asked raising her eyebrow. "No i guess not.." I replied chuckling a bit while scratching my neck.

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