12: Funeral

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A/N: Hey everyone! Here's chapter 12 sorry for the angst chapter right after the christmas one. So sorry for the long wait. lol.  Anyway's enjoy!


Celeste's POV:

Bubbles started to float around me. I was tired after all that cleaning I did around the house just after Christmas. Tomorrow is Sayori's planned funeral and most of us are on edge. By I mean 'us' I mean the rest of the Literature Club and I.

I Lean my head back against the cold surface of the tub. The water is no longer warm and I haven't paid attention to my hair in forever. I want to re-dye it but I'm just too lazy. Plus it'll just be a hassle anyway.

I heard a ding coming from my phone.

I lift my head to peak over the tub and to see my phone laying flat on a towel I lazily put on the toilet lid. I looked at the notification and saw it was a message from Monika. I quickly drained the tub and dried myself off with a nearby towel.

I grab my phone and look at Monika's message.


Moni <3:

Hey Celeste can I come over and cuddle with you?


Ofc! What time?

Moni <3:

Funny thing.. I'm actually on my way right now..


Oh! You can't come over rn! i'm taking a bath

Moni <3:

Can I join..? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Moni <3:

Jk! Or was I?..


You perv..

Moni <3:

I love you too <3


I shut my phone off and quickly grabbed my bathrobe and wrapped it around myself. I closed the bathroom door and went across the hallway to my bedroom. Just muscle memory I opened my messages with my sister, Kiyuki. The last time I talked to her was months ago. But then I see a message she made on christmas Eve.



Hey sis, just a heads up I might not be there for christmas this year. I have a lot of things coming up for me.

-Read Dec, 24th 2:03 AM-


Huh.. It's been a couple of weeks since she sent me this. I forgot she did. Maybe I was just too busy decorating to notice.. I text my sister back.



Yeah thanks for the heads up.. Sorry I didn't reply sooner I hope your studies are going well 

♡Our Love♡/ /Monika x !Fem Oc!//♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang