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"Eloise, is that.. you."  

I was frozen. I was terrified, seeing this for the first time made it all so real. Sam nudged my side gently.

"I... was with James." I sigh knowing I had to tell the story. "And well he gave me a drink.... And well I got drunk. I don't remember a whole heap from this day." 

I gesture to the mess on the floor. 

"And I'm glad I don't remember this.. Particular moment." I stare out one of the fake frosted windows. "I was dating James at the time and well... we broke up. He was using me... Like every other guy I know..."

 I was suddenly angry. "Everyone used me to become popular..... Everyone." 

A tear rolled down my cheek. 

After a second I go back to the story. "They filmed this, you know. A girl from the party, I don't know who it was, but she stopped them posting it, deleted the video on the girl's phone and got them kicked from the party. She helped me get cleaned up and James took me home. I don't want anyone to know about this. I would lose everything. My friends would leave me, my parents would disown me and kick me to the streets."

Okay I may have went a bit far, I probably won't be disowned but I would have more problems then I care to admit.

 Sam was still quiet, he hadn't said a word while we stayed there.

The scene began the play out in front of us. A girl walked past us and plucked the phone from one of the girls hands. She was beautiful, long shiny brown hair and a cut off purple mini dress, but she must have know someone scary because the girls just stood there frozen as she deleted the video completely from the cell phone and threaten to call the cops.

We just watched as the girl made excuses for their behaviour.

 Then the whole scene flickered and the girls went back to were they were when we first walked in. It was as if someone hit replay.  I didn't want to watch it all again so I dropped my eyes.  A small flash of light caught the corner of my eye.  A tiny key was nestled under my holograms unconscious face then disappeared as the hologram become more solid looking again.

I crawled forward until I was right beside myself and plunged my hand straight through her face, my face. My fingers meet a small cold shape and I grabbed it as tightly as I could in my shaking hands. Just like Sam I had to fight my fear of the act slipping, and I was determined to stay strong.

I threw the key in my fist in the air in triumph. Our ticket out of here. I giggled a bit. This meant I didn't need to go into the boys bathrooms. We exited the little room and looked around for the others. They were walking over to our meeting spot but we were closer. I check my watch. We had been in here for 2 hours already. I grab Sam's hand and drag him with me, my bare feet barely touching the ground as I wave the key above my head excitedly. I think about getting out of this room instead of the horror that unfolded in the bathrooms. 

Suddenly a figure stalks through me. Her hair as black as coal and lips as red as roses. She was Snow White through and through.  Vivid images of the girl booting me with her pointing red heel. I crumpled to the ground and my eyes began to water. I could hear my father screaming 'don't cry... it's ugly'. A strange surge of happiness rippled through me. I was glad I was here, without my parents nagging me about my posture, my hair, how much food I eat, or my perfect make up which in their eyes had too many imperfections. I smile through my tears, somewhat hysterically. Sam changed his position so he was shielding me from the others, his stance protective. It felt nice to have someone care about me and my feelings when my parents and friends never offered me any support. He kept his stance as he struck up a conversation with the others..

"Hey Guys" Sam said cheerfully.

"Hey." Ethan said flatly.

This is why I didn't like Ethan. He was always so lifeless, emotionless. Like someone had died. Like he had died. Internally at least. Ethan was always unnecessarily rude to me and Sam. I get why he wouldn't like me. No one really liked me, but that didn't stop them pretending to. But Sam? He had done nothing, he was so sweet and kind toward everyone. Ethan was just stupid and mean.

"Find anything?" I asked to my feet.

"You mean other than the spiked punch?" Lydia said lightly.

I dangle the key back and forth in front of their faces.

"Wow. You found the key." Jasmine looks around a bit. "But where's the door."

Her voice was desperate.

Everyone starts to look around for a door. Was there an emergency exit somewhere? There had to be.

"There" I pointed to a green exit sign. "And there, and there."

There were three emergency exits. They were our best hope. One of the doors was adjacent to the one we came through.

"We should try that one first." I say pointing to the one that stood about 20m from us.

We all walk quickly, almost jogging to the exit sign. I shove the key in the door hopefully.

 It fits.  I give it a twist and the door swings open revealing our next challenge. I fell back to Sam, allowing Jasmine to go through before me. I had the urge to grab Sam's hand and drag him with me but the situation was all wrong. Sam was great but I had only known him for a few hours. My parents would disapprove of him anyway. But their not here, a voice whispered in the back of my head. I cut down the thought before I could do something stupid, like. NO... I can't think like that. Sam didn't feel the same way about me. He was just naturally a good person. This is why I had problems I fell in love to easily.

We All Lie SometimesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя