Chapter 34: Two Broken Shuckfaces

Comenzar desde el principio

"Wow. Really? That's what you're gonna go with?"

I finally turned my eyes on him, "Don't push it Greenie. I have zero morals and I like knives."

"Am I supposed to feel threatened?"

"I dunno, do you?"

"No really." He shrugged.

"Well did ya's only murder if they find a body..." I gave him a twisted smile as I casually spun one of my little throwing knives around my fingers, "otherwise it's just a missing person..."

"That...was slightly unhinged." Thomas muttered.

"Oh darling, you haven't even scratched the surface of my unhinged side."

"You're not funny." He frowned

"You're right...I'm actually really mean...and others think I'm joking."

"No...we actually think you're buggen' mean." Newt piped up.

"Shut it Newt. You love me just the way I am. I just have the guts to say what ya'll are thinking."

He sighed heavily. And I smirked.

"See Newton? You agree with me."

"Not really, but whatever." He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

The table was all sniggering. I went back to my supper and felt eyes on me. I looked up and meet dark intense eyes. Minho's handsome face was smirking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe." He answered.

I folded my hands and rested my chin on them, "Are we gonna have another problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're always causing problems."

I bit my bottom lip, and lowered my eyelids slightly, giving him what he calls my bedroom eyes.

"What can I say? I like to cause problems..."

He hummed.

"I'm also a problem solver."

I winked and picked up my water. Winston leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Dammit JayJay. I think you're gonna cause the rest of the table to have problems and three of them are very gay. Cut that klunk out!"

I snorted and choked on my water. I couldn't contain my laughter. I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. Minho raised an eyebrow at me. I couldn't stop. The other guys all looked at me like I had finally lost it. Maybe I had. Maybe it was the pressure of being in the maze, or the concussion, or maybe I was getting my period again. But I just about died.

"Nah Winnie," I finally managed to get out, "everyone here is too stupid to figure it out. Just you...cuz you got a dirty dirty mind!"

"Right next to yours in the gutter." He smiled his twisted smile.

"Shucken rights!"

The rest of super was boring. I didn't say much else. I just kept catching Minho's eye and he would smirk I would bite my lip. He kept making my heart flutter and my stomach kept doing weird loops and a weird fluttery feeling.

I also felt Thomas's eyes on me. I don't know what his problem was. But I ignored him. It was just irritating.

I was done eating and I was done with people. I got up and left. Taking my stuff to the kitchen, I walked away from the dinning area. It was quieter in the Glade away from the roudy boys. I wish I was okay to climb, but I knew that was very unsafe. So I kept to the ground. But I wandered into the shadows of the forest.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora