Chapter 138: Leaving?

Start from the beginning

"So you're saying it's my fault you couldn't attend the banquet? Do remind me who destroyed half of my residence!?" Retorted Elif while glaring at Idonea, who promptly stayed silent.

"Hmph, that's what I thought." Added Elif as he glared at the silent duo before ignoring them.



"I appreciate you accompanying me; it was delightful, Eyvor." Stated Elif with a slight smile as he and Eyvor strolled through Fairyopolis.

"It's my pleasure, and I enjoyed it as well, not to mention we did agree to return to Fairyopolis and finish the tour; last time, we were interrupted before we could finish exploring it." Replied Eyvor with a light smile while walking beside Elif.

"Hahaha, yes, I enjoyed it as well, Eyvor!" Said Goliath loudly with a large smile, his giant frame towering over even some buildings.

"Hmm, it was indeed quite the experience." Stated Shelia solemnly while nodding her head as she viewed the surrounding vicinity of Fairyopolis.

"It is definitely something I'd love to do again sometime in the future." Remarked Birger with a light smile as he walked beside Shelia, both taking in the sights that Fairyopolis had to offer.

"Fairyopolis is an amazing city; the only thing that could improve it would be a place to train your physique!" Declared Echo excitedly while walking next to Goliath, causing her to look incredibly tiny even though she was significantly larger than everyone.

Hearing them, Eyvor and I stopped walking and turned around while eyeing them, as my face twitched from their lack of shame.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed the tour of Fairyopolis, but why did you follow us?" Asked Eyvor with an undertone of annoyance as she stared at the four of them.

"Well, after we learned that you would be giving Prince Elif a tour of the renowned Fairyopolis, how could we not tag along?" Replied Birger while smirking at Eyvor, causing her face to twitch intensely at his shamelessness.

"Besides, why would you ask such a weird question? We are also guests; it's only appropriate that you would also give us a tour of the Fairy Clan. Unless, of course, you had something planned, and our presence would cause some interference." Added Birger with a mischievous smirk while glancing between Eyvor and Elif.

"Other than finishing the tour of Fairyopolis with Prince Elif, I didn't have anything else planned; also, it's not that I don't want you all to experience Fairyopolis; I'd be more than happy to show off my clan. It's just no one had bothered to inform me; you all just randomly appeared halfway through the tour." Said Eyvor while rubbing her face in annoyance as she eyed Birger.

"Well, it doesn't matter now; the tour has ended; we've seen roughly everything of significance in Fairyopolis. Of course, some other things might be interesting; however, they aren't too important." Added Eyvor as she shook her head and continued walking through Fairyopolis alongside the five.

"Speaking of the end, when do you all plan to leave the Fairy Clan? It's already been two days since Eyvor's birthday; I imagine you guys won't be staying for long." Asked Elif curiously while walking alongside everyone, though they all looked like a bunch of ants before Goliath.

"I had planned to leave today; however, my brother had been enjoying himself, so I decided to increase the stay for another two days, and only then will we return home." Said Echo lightly while her beautiful tattoos glistened in the sunlight.

"I plan to leave tomorrow; with the mission hall in the Half-sect, I'm given many opportunities to venture outside throughout the OverRealm. So this isn't that special to me, though I will miss the atmosphere of the Fairy Clan." Stated Shelia with a nod.

"Hmm, I actually haven't thought about when I will return; I suppose I'll leave when I feel the time is right. Haha!" Replied Goliath while thoughtfully rubbing his chin, though he swiftly broke into a bout of laughter.

"I'm the same as Goliath; I don't have a specific date on when I will leave, though it'll be within the next several days. I might as well enjoy the stay here before I must return home and face punishment." Remarked Birger as he sighed while thinking about his future punishment, his words causing Goliath to snap out of his bout of laughter and groan.

"What about you, Prince Elif? Will you be leaving soon to return to the Elven Empire?" Asked Echo curiously while Birger and Goliath were both sporting depressed frowns.

"Yes, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning; I've already stayed here for a good amount of time; however, I will not be returning home. I plan to visit the Divine Phoenix Clan first, though I will be making a detour in the direction of the Immortal Heavenly Empire." Stated Elif, though his words caused everyone to be surprised once they understood his true motive.

"The Immortal Heavenly Empire!? Before I had left the Half-sect, my elder brother had told me that Prince Ivan was searching for a rumored Angel in independent Cities and warned me to steer clear of him. By heading toward the Heavenly Empire, do you plan to confront him, Prince Elif?" Asked Shelia; she and everyone were shocked at the revelation and even more shocked when Elif indulged in their curiosity.

"Hehe, why not confront him? He is supposedly powerful, not to mention he'll be the first person I'll encounter who is also from an Immortal Hegemony; I'm sure our meeting will spark something in the OverRealm. Who doesn't like causing a little chaos now and then?" Replied Elif with a slight smile while laughing, his nonchalant behavior startling Echo, Shelia, and Goliath.

"Well, just don't do something foolish and kill him; he is close to his territory, after all." Advised Birger, though Elif merely chuckled in amusement at his words.

"No promises; besides, even if he is close to his territory, I'm not opposed to killing him, though if I derive some amusement from his existence, I don't mind keeping him alive." Remarked Elif, his statement causing Eyvor and Birger to shake their heads and sigh.


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