Cute/sweet memory: Nergal💜

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They were both working day and night for the past few days nonstop and she was exhausted.

One night while walking through the hallways she was walking behind negral slowly and steady but her legs felt wobbly. Negral notice this and turns around, facing her.

If you are exhausted say so.....I won't stop you.

He says and when she heard the go signal she passes out and falls into his arms, nergal was suprised and smiles at himself as he carries her in bridal style and went straight to her room and lay her there and covers her in a blanket. Before he can even leave, negral stares at her beauty, sleeping peacefully was still new to him, after all she was wearing a mask the whole time. As time pass by he decided to leave but a hand stop him.


Y/n says in a low voice, still half asleep. Nergal widens his eyes before he sighs, thinking that the job will be unfinished and be postponed for abit. But still went under the covers and hug her, making her lay on his chest and they both slept together that night, having a good rest from the non stopping work.

" I suppose a little sleep won't hurt"

I'm totally still annoyed and embarrassed for mistaking his name, realizing it's not "negral" but it's "nergal". Anyways here's the last chapter of valentines special, enjoy.

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