Chapter 2

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Zoe's pov


   I woke up to my annoying alarm clock going off and my mom yelling at me to get up.             " ZOE?!?!" she yelled from downstairs. "YES MOM?!?!" I yelled back. "ARE YOU UP?!?" "YES!" I shouted back at her while Slipping out of my bed. The cold wooden floor shot shivers up and down my spine.

"Hey girl." Caroline yells from her window. "hey girl." I yelled back and went to go pick out my outfit. "Hey can I come over?" I nodded as she walks over on bridge that we made when we were little. "So what are you going to wear?" Caroline asks, and sits on my bed. "I was thinking about my Of Mice & Men tank, this red plaid flannel, and my black ripped skinny jeans." Caroline nods "Hey did you finish editing the video?" "oh, yeah here." I handed her the flash drive, and than I went to my bathroom to do my makeup. "Are you done yet?" Caroline whines. "yes I'm done." "Ok lets go or we are going to be late and I can't be late remember?" "I know god Caroline?"

I grab my bag and head out the door and out to my car. On the way there the song King For A Day by Pierce The Veil came on and we started sing along to it all the way the "hellhole." "We're here" I say as we pull into the parking lot. we hop out of the car and see Alex standing next to the front door of the school. "hey Zoe and Caroline." she waves and walks up to us. "Hey Alex, sorry that we're running a little late." "it's ok Zoe, I just got here like about few minutes ago myself." she smiles. "Hey I have go sorry guys." Caroline smiles and walks to her locker. "Where is she going in such a hurry?" Alex asks looking at me. "oh, yeah we never told did we? Caroline has to show around the new people." Alex nods and walks to her locker "Hey I will see you in 1st period right?" I ask her as we walk towards are 1st periods together. "yeah i think so?" she says while looking down at her schedule. "well actually no I don't have 1st period with you, but I do have 2nd with you." Alex frowned. "oh,ok then see you in 2nd period." I say as soon as the bell rang meaning you were late for 1st period. Me and Alex look at each other knowing that we only had two minutes until we are counted late. we both sprinted down the hallway trying to get to class. As we run down the hallway we crash into somebody and we hear a noticeable voice yell "NOOOOOO!!!!........ stupid."

Caroline pov

As I leave Zoe and Alex behind I walk into the front office. "Hello there caroline." the office lady says in a overly cheerful "Are you here to show the new students around?" I nodded and follow her as she takes me to the new students in the waiting area. "this is Bryan, Kyle, and Damon." I wave with a cheerful grin, but i felt cheeks turn a bright pink. "Hi I-I-Im Caroline." I smiled and turned to start walking out of the office, I turn around and kindly ask for each their schedules. " you all have the same classes as me, so this makes things a lot more easier." I smiled and they all giggled at me. "Ok please follow me." I show them to their lockers and then I see Zoe and Alex run into the guys that I wasn't showing around. "JOHNNIE, JOR- watchout." " WAIT NOOOOOOOOO.........stupid" muttered the last part under my breath. I run to help them up and look a Zoe and Alex with concern "Are guys ok?" I ask them. "yeah we are." they mutter as they turn to stand up. Kyle and Damon helps Jodan up and Byran helps Johnnie up. "This is Alex and Zoe." point at them. "And this is Damon, Johnnie, Bryan, Jordan, and Kyle." And when I entrodeuc Zoe to Johnnie her eyes lit up. "hey sorry for running into y-"
Alex couldn't finish her sentence because bell went off again. Making Alex and Zoe look at each other with a worried faces."CRAP!!!" they both yell at the same time. "oh, here I just remembered that I had these two pases with me to dismiss you from being late." I hand them the passes, as soon as I gave them the passes, they both thanked me and run to their 1st period. I turned around and said the the guys "Well lets start this tour shall we." I smile.

Thank you guys so much for reading and comment and vote. BYE :)

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