'Shit!' Boomerang thought to himself before backing up. He needed out now, turning to follow the trail towards the entrance. As he shined the light further out he could see more cutouts of people, thugs and criminals wearing the Arkham prison jumpsuit. The walls were also decorated with cutouts that tried making the room look different. Boomerang wasn't worried about that though. No....he was worried about the ghost that was chasing him. 'How the hell is he alive?!?!Isn't Batman supposed to dead?!'

Like many, Boomerang was a witness of the news channel, watching as Batman was unmasked and revealed to be Bruce Wayne. But no more than twenty minutes later did the Batman show up at his home before walking into it, the mansion exploding once he did! The news went worldwide, everyone everywhere knew who the Batman was and that he died that night. His death sent a wave of relief through the crime organizations, making them believe they only had to worry about Nightwing and Robin, Batgirl had supposedly retired. But there was also a new vigilante who, unlike the others, killed criminals. But the fact the Batman was alive, terrified Boomerang........he couldn't afford to be in debt with health insurance.


"AAHH!!!!" Boomerang yelled as a air vent crate popped off and was sent flying towards the other wall. Boomerang headed towards the wall far away from the vent before kneeling down, shining his flashlight into the vent. As he did so the convict was met with a glimpse of a black cape going around the vent's corner. Boomerang gulped before quickly dashing past the vent, flashlight aimed forward as he did so. "Nope.......nope nope nope nope nope!"

If this was Batman, then Boomerang needed to leave now. Batman had a tendency of doing shit like this, popping vents open, leaving people hanging from a vantage point, breaking their bones. But most of all was the terror he made his victims feel just before he sent them to the ER. No Australian, no matter how brave or daring would try their luck against Batman. Boomerang remembered the time Batman took on the original suicide squad he was apart of. The damn millionaire in disguise took them all on and when they thought he was dead, he revealed himself to be disguised as Black Spider.

'Wait.......an exit!' Boomerang thought to himself upon seeing an emergency exit located ahead of him, the door was like that of the garage, small and should be easy to open. He ran towards the exit, pressing the button on the console to open the door. Boomerang let out a sigh of relief as the door began to open, turning around to give his farewells to the other convicts if they could hear him. "SO LONG GUYS! ENJOY YOUR STAY WITH—"

When he turned towards the door he was met with something hard connecting with his face, sending him flying back a couple of feet before hitting the ground. It was painful, whatever hit him did so with a lot of anger and aggression. Boomerang slowly lifted his finger up to rub his nose before pulling his hand back and felt his eye widened upon seeing blood. He lowers his hand as he struggled to look up at his assailant.

Batman stood on the other side of the emergency exit, glaring at him before grabbing the door and slamming it down, sealing the exit. Boomerang felt his heartbeat increase before he passed out, done in by the bat as his head went limp on the ground.



"What was that?!" Deadshot whispered in a hushed tone as he slowly navigated through the dark building, having heard a shutter slam shut. The halls were tight and narrow, leaving little room for the Batman to take cover. Deadshot ran over to where he heard the sound originate before coming to a stop. "Damn it Boomerang....."

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