calm doggy

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Elijah woke up with a pounding headache and a wild Bobby Skeetz laying on top of him, he groaned pushing his taller friend of off him onto the wooden floor.

He stood up with a hand to his forehead in search for his phone, where was his phone? Pushing the door open to the kitchen he was greeted by an extremely chirpy Avis who was cradling a cup of coffee in her hands.

"morning" he greeted walking towards the cupboard to get a glass noticing his mouth was extremely dry.

"good morning Elijah Hewson"

He looked at the girl tilting his head with a confused face shaking his head and turning the tap on and allowing the glass to fill.

"have you seen my phone?" he asked remembering that was what he was initially looking for.

"that one over there" she pointed to a jar which confused him, until he noticed his phone in the cookie jar. "rob put it in there when you were staring at it like a child who dropped their ice cream"

"does that mean it's dead?" Avis shrugged her shoulders heading back to the living room where the group of friends seemed to be slowly waking up.

Elijah opened the cookie jar to see his phone, with two messages, one from his Mum asking how his birthday was and the other was from Lennie. A smile formed on his face when he saw her name and he immediately clicked the message.

Lennie 🍓

Lennie 🍓
happy birthday again Eli, sorry i couldn't come to your party.

Lennie 🍓
tell your brother to look after Joseph. x



And before Eli could excuse Lennie, tell her she doesn't need to worry about not coming his phone died, leaving his reply with a stupid Yes. Of all things.


"you seem to say that a lot" Eli turned to see his three bandmates standing in the kitchen doorway. "Usually rob that swears that much"

"Built up anger cos he let the love of his life get away" Rob spoke nudging Josh with a laugh

"My phone died and i just replied with a yes!" he growled throwing his arms up in the air.

"woah calm doggy" Josh joked moving his arms up and down as if Eli was a dog.

"none of you are very helpful" Eli groaned

"yeah well we came here to say we are announcing the tour today and we don't know what to post for it" Ryan spoke calling the three friends down.

"i'll do it, just gotta wait for my phone to charge" he said pointing at the phone that was charging next to the toaster.

"alright mate, well we are all gonna go now, see you tomorrow?"

"yeah bye lads" he waved at them listening as they all left in a big kerfuffle and a band of the door "fucking idiots " he mumbled picking up his glass of water


inhalerdublin just posted

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