fucking dickheads

449 17 4

i love inhaler| robslefttoe
🤨🤣 me after seeing rob accidentally posting eli scrapping on his insta story

Robert Keating| bobbyskeetz
my finger slipped

Anaïs 📸 |anaisgallagher
lennie being the mediator really got me
Lennie 🎀 |eleanoramurpy
fucking dickheads the pair of them
Lou| loufitzgerald
highlight of the party


Eleanora had booked a taxi for Oliver the previous night, the sight of his face disgusting her, and then she booked one for herself back to her Dads house before sleeping.

When she woke, she awoke with a groan, the events of the previous night circling her head, and the fact she had lots of twitter notifications and group messages.


But one thing was on Lennie's mind. The look on Eli's face when she left him their on the floor, the look of upset shown through the top half of his face, it didn't help that Lennie still sometimes regularly thought about their kiss. Something that was probably shouldn't, but the small time he had her trapped by his amazingness, how could she just not?

Maybe she should text him


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