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Jungwon pov

At the cafeteria .

"ahmm, hi miss Qis, Can I get some porridge here? " she was our cook in this school. If you want

"ohh, jungwon. i think there is a little more in the pot near at the back. i'll go get it in a moment."
do you want to put anything extra like chicken, or anchovies, or anything? "She asked.

" you just can put a little chicken pieces in it. " i said.

"alright .wait for a second. " she said.

when i tried to take money out of my wallet, she was already in front of me with a covered bowl of porridge.

"here your porridge "she gave me.

"can i ask you something? " she asked.

" yes. What it is? "

" usually, people eat porridge when someone getting fever or being sick. But when I saw you,there no symptoms on you. I'm being clueless " she said while scratching her head that doesn't itch.

"oooh. this is for my friend. "i give smile toward her.

"meanwhile we played volleyball earlier, she suddenly felt dizzy after bumped into high arranged chair.I also don't know how can she bumped it like that. "this time,my turn to scratching my head that doesn't itch.

" it like canda serious.i hope your friend will gets well soon."she said with worried face.

" ohh. Thank you miss Qis, also here the money for this delicious porridge " i said while hand over money to pay

"you can keep it back. it's free from me. " she smiled

" Thank you again miss Qis, " i thanks her and walked quickly for find ice lemon tea at the vending machine under our school stair.

After I got the drink, I need quickly go to infirmary cause I'm scared if she hungry.

Because I'm in hurry, suddenly I bumped into someone sholder.he has a brown hair also wore a different uniform.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It my fault. Can you forgive me.?" I asked.

I remembered what eryn said earlier.

'he has a brown hair. He wore a uniform but not from our school.'

So he got transferred here.

Then I heard he say

"watch your step dude. "he said and walked away

"chehh, what a rude attitude."i said

At the same time, I remembered that I hold a bowl of eryn's porridge.

"oh no!! " i anxiously

I check it if spilled or anything. But it not.

"phewwww, it still saved. " I relieved

Then I continued my walked to infirmary.

I'm try to open the door while say to eryn

"Eryn, I come with your porridg----- eryn? Where are you ?? "i asked after seen no one in the bed.

"eryn?" i aaked again. Then I heard a voice from in the toilet .

"I'm here. About porridge, you just can leave it on the table. " she said

" are you ok in there? " i asked

Then i heard a flush sound, then the door opened.

"come, let's eat. " i said

Then,she climbed back her bed, and I just sit next to her.

MY RIVAL | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now