Meanwhile Lincoln is eyeing the bucket of worms]

Lincoln:what's with the bucket of slimes?   


Gwen:[Unimpressed] yeah-well,I think I'm gonna pass on the fishing thing,I'll stay here and catch some sun instead!

Max:okay, but you don't know what you're missing!

Gwen:I'm pretty sure I do... [Then Gwen walks off to get some sun,Leaving behind Max,Ben,and Lincoln]

Max:(Turning to greet the man in the boat beside them) captain Shaw?

Shaw:Who wants to know?

Max:I'm Max Tennyson,and this is my Grandson,Ben. [Ben waves] This is his friend,Lincoln loud [Lincoln waves too] we charted your boat today for a fishing trip.

Shaw.Well,what're you waiting for,an engraved invitation? Get aboard,I Ain't got all day.                      

[Excitedly,Ben and Lincoln move to get on the boat, though Max seems concerned. A few minutes later, the ship sets off down the lake,sailing steadily across the water] 

Max:Anything...interesting out there to catch today?

Shaw:More than you can imagine...interesting out there catch today?

Shaw:more than you can imagine...[Noticing Ben with his head over the end of the boat] looks like your boy's using his breakfast as chum.

Max:Ben?you feeling okay?

Lincoln:he's fine just got the case the monsters 

Ben:Ha-hahaha very funny leave the comedy to your sister Luan. Anyway, I'm just keeping an eye out for the lake monster. That thing's not taking me by surprise this time! [As he said that,he quickly spotted a monstrous silhouette in the water. He gasped before excitedly pointing at the supposed monster]

Ben:There it is! [As the monster silhouetted came closer to the boat,it was revealed to be a piece of driftwood shaped like a monster]

Lincoln:that's some monster.

Ben:oh,my bad.

Max:Now,Ben. This is a fishing trip,not a monster hunt.

Shaw:it's called 'the kraken'.

Ben:whoa.You know about it?

Shaw:it's my business to know about it.

Lincoln:Do you have Any evidence it's even real? [Shaw hands him a photo, and what was on it supposed to be the kraken. But due to how the photo was taken,it was hard to tell]

Shaw:sightings go back hundreds of years,on this very lake. Some say it's a myth...not me! I could take you to a spot where I personally laid eyes upon the beast. That is, if you've got the stomach for some real adventure!
[Ben looks up to a reluctant max expectingly and smiling]

Max:I guess so...


Shaw:Sonar,high-def video setup, ultrasound. I got it all. And will find it. Mark my words,it can't hide forever.

Max:[taking Ben aside] Ben, I don't want you to put too much stock in what mister Shaw says. I don't think he has both oars in the water,if you know what I mean.

Lincoln:Max is right. I understand you think have stuff in common with him but he seems nuts and reckless.

Ben:Why? Just because he saw kraken too because he actually believes me? [Ben walks away in a huff,with max saddened,and Lincoln feeling a little guilty]

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