"You think that's Cross?" Daisya arched a brow.

"No. I think Cross is working with a group trying to do the same thing, but for very different reasons." Allen said.

"Such as?" Noise asked sitting beside Daisya.

"They want to live too." Lavi stated.

"Cross' colleges would need some sort of ambassador as well." He went on as the group ping ponged their eyes between the two talking.

"Right. So, Master has this, coffin, shall we call it. Plus Timcanpy can travel between the worlds." Allen said as if this were common knowledge.

"What makes you think that?" Now Komui had arrived.

Allen shifted in his seat. "Well, Master often sent Timcanpy on "quests." He came back after a few hours, sometimes a day of two, once even a week passed before, each time Master wiped his memory of where he went. Even deleted what it was he found there." Allen confided in them.

"Then, could the coordinates be in his memory banks somewhere?" Komui rubbed at his chin.

"Not sure. It is difficult to erase all traces of something." Johnny peered at the golden ball on Allen's head.

"Maybe with Hevlaska's help, we could get some information if you allow me to borrow Timcanpy." He asked Allen.

"Timcanpy?" Allen looked up toward where the ball sat.

It beeped and tweeted at him. Happily, it sounded off as it flew from Allen's head to Johnny's. The scientist shuttered a little at the odd weight landing on him.

"Wow, he isn't that heavy." He chuckled.

"He is keeping most of his weight off of you. You're not used to him." Allen giggled.

"But, he said he would help you." He offered.

"Go, see what you can find out." Komui ordered.

The head of their branch, turned to walk away. Allen called out to him. Komui stopped. He looked back at the pale teen sitting amongst his peers.

"Yes, Allen?" Komui asked.

"I wish to learn to fight better. I only had one session with For, but I need to learn to handle my sword." Allen tried to explain his concerns.

"Well, you are screwing the best swordsmen we have." Lavi pointed out.

"Kanda is, by far better than the best swordsman we have. He is the best in all the order. Therefore, Kanda, you are to train him. Call in For if you need her help." Komui walked away then.

"This will just be foreplay for you guys." Lavi snickered.

"So, you want to go watch, then?" Krory asked, his fangs sinking down over his lip.

"Of course!" Lavi fist bumped his boyfriend.

"That is too much, even for me!" Daisya laughed.

"No, we could use your skills! It could work as a distraction!" Lavi called.

"Yes, the rest of us could be Noah's or Akuma!" Lavi cried excitedly.

"Sure, whatever, let's go." Kanda stood up to take care of his dishes.

Allen wheeled his carts up to be cleaned. Together the group headed out of the cafeteria. Kanda glanced around at them.

"Dumb bunny take Short stack to the training room. I need to go get Mugen." Kanda growled.

"You think that wise? Look what happened last time?" Daisya huffed.

"This time you and Noise are with them." Kanda was gone before anyone else could argue.

"Led the way!" Daisya insisted of Lavi. Instead it was Noise who moved forward first.

They were chatting about nothing in particular, when Lenalee pointed out that Allen should be partnered with someone other than Kanda. Every one looked at here.

"How long have you been there?" Daisya asked, blinking.

"Yeah, when did you follow us?" Lavi looked startled.

"Boys!" Lenalee huffed with a fond smile.

"I was in the cafeteria with you!" She hissed.

"Oh, um sure." Lavi glanced toward Krory who shrugged.

"Why do I need a different partner?" Allen asked.

"Well, Kanda is a bit... intense, should we call it." Lenalee hedged.

"You think he would hurt the Moyashi?" Lavi asked.

"Not on purpose, but who has ever heard of Kanda going easy on anyone?" Lenalee pointed out.

They all nodded as if they were thinking about other fights Kanda had been in. Shaking it off, they finished the walk to the training room. Lavi led the group in warming up, as they waited for Kanda to arrive. It didn't take him long to walk in. The familiar sight, flashed trauma responses on the faces of all but one, Allen Walker.

Kanda was strong, looking taller, darker and more powerful than ever. He wore a black close fitting shirt, along with loose fitting pants that allowed easy movements of his legs. His hair was pulled back in a tight high ponytail, and he held the sword. It wasn't strapped to his back, but firmly grasped in one hand. His eyes glowed as they took in the group before him.

"Prepare yourselves." He called out.

"Kanda, wait!" Lavi cried.

He was too late. The sword cut through the air coming for the ginger's neck. It was stopped with a clanging of metal. Everyone blinked to see Allen holding his own sword before Lavi's face. Mugen was stopped upon the blade of it.

"That wasn't nice!" Allen chuckled.

"Fighting isn't suppose to be nice!" Kanda growled, leaping away.

Lavi felt his neck as his eye watched the two figures dancing around.

"Yep, foreplay!" he hissed.

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