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Everyone one  are wearing black,full on black by holding lilies and Rose's,as sun shines town people are in fear of death and greif over 8 people blood flowed through the town, crying and people screaming over their family and friends death sounds so hard even it tears hearts of Judith and Nexy. Judith have  to attend funeral this time so that no one will  suspects her. Imagining Spencer, tears filled through her eyes,Madison places hand on her shoulder.

"Don't cry over their deaths,witches curse killing them it won't stop here.God i wish witch daughter should be found and dead."

Her eyes almost widened with anger as she hears

"I'm worried what might happen to you."

Eyes, calm down.

"Me too, I wish the witch's daughter would leave you alone. You are a good person."

One of Edward's friends, Roberto, is sobbing so hard. His sobbing voice is loud, filled with fear and remorse.

"It doesn't matter if she's good or not. The whole town is responsible for Alan's death. Maybe we are paying for our sins."

Judith eyes straight no response at all,Nexy from bushes watching everything calmly, everyone turned aside to him,Edward stepping forward to him, grabbing  collar, in sense of Agression.

"Just shut up you prick. Don't say a word."

Setting Edward hand free from collar, pushing edward a side

"Yes,I'm prick  that's the reason my daughter paid for my sins,so does your son and Charlie daughter."

"Don't don."

"Don't stop me,don't forget we are the problem for all of this. If we didn't used her private property for our drinking alcohol and seeing her personal secret and creating rumors  was what made all of this."

Judith's eyes widened in shock, and Edward displayed fear and aggression through multiple reactions on his face. He controlled his tightening jaw and teeth-biting habit with a strong grip.

"Just shut up. We alerted the townspeople about the witch, saving the town from her."

"Sorry we simply love to share gossip with the town and ruined her life and daughter's over our gossip fun."

Roberto heart pounding in full despair.
In shaking and trembling voice.

"If we didn't used property and spread rumours nothing would have happened. If witch wants to harm us we never think why would she stay in town with her teenage daughter and avoid  us. She would have silently set fire to our houses one by one by using her fire power what we saw right. Second she had no intention to harm us but now her daughter has all intentions to murder us."

Judith eyes tearing drops, rubbed it quickly,eyes again hateful,cold look.

The whole town laid down their heads, regretfully crying at the spark moment. The town is full of fear and regret about what they did. Edward is seriously biting his teeth, clenching his fist, shouting,

"Idiots, don't be fools; we have to stay strong."

Other guy"Don't act like you didn't feel regret I saw you begging mercy by imagining Alan yesterday and you said some one name Sam."

Judith eyes widened opened.as she widened her eyes Madison  took a leave
"Hey i need to go Judith".

All  foots stepping away from cemetery,whole cemetery become abandoned.Judith alone  stand in silence and death in cemetery, suddenly hand placed on her shoulder.

REVENGE OF THE WITCH:HARBINGER OF DEATH Where stories live. Discover now