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chapter seventeen

            "This is a bit over the top

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            "This is a bit over the top.." Schlatt whispers to me. I sat in a carriage, my father sat next to me. "I mean, is this your funeral or Jareds'..?" He jokes.

"Did you say something?" My father turns his head to me, I quickly shake my head. I wasn't quite sure where Schlatt was hiden in this tiny carriage, maybe behind the seats? "Ah, okay.." He looks out his window again.

The reason for the carriage, is because since my father is such a well known man in this town (and head vampire hunter), he's kinda treated like royalty. We literally don't even live that far from the graveyard, I don't get why we need a whole carriage to carry us there. Jareds' funeral is today, the weather was cloudy and rainy (perfect). Now that I think about it, I wonder if anyone saw ghost Jared when they found his body.

The carriage comes to a halt and my door is pulled open, revealing a fancy dressed man holding an umbrella. I grab the box (that held the cat) off the floor before I hop out of the carriage. I take the umbrella from the man and thank him. I wait for my father to walk to my side and then I continue walking towards the entrance of the graveyard. He had his own umbrella so I didn't need to share. Thank god, because I do not want to stand next to him.

"Y/N!" A voice calls out to me. I lift my head and see Wilbur and Alex. Wil held an umbrella over the two of them, protecting them from the rain. Alex was the one who called my name, he grasped his hand over Wil's hand (that held the umbrella) and tugged him towards me.

"They look familiar" My father squints at the two. "But, I'm not sure.." He mumbles. Luckily he was stupid. But, they did look a bit different from when I last saw them, they had gotten haircuts. "I'll be talking with the funeral director, find your seat" He tells me before walking off.

The two vampires finally make it over to me, I think they stopped walking over when they saw my father. I wasn't sure if Alex had also gotten a haircut, but he had his hair up in a ponytail. Wil's hair before had blocked his eyes, but now it was a perfect length to stay out of his face.

Alex stops in front of me and smiles. "You look so pretty! You should wear that to our wedding" He makes a stupid face at me, he was as adorable as that bat with the injured leg, which yeah, that's him too, but whatever. Wilbur goes to smack him in the back of the head (like he's been doing a lot lately) but Alex quickly blocks it with his hand. "My head is not my hand" Alex scowls at the taller vampire. He holds his hand out, his palm up. Wilbur rolls his eyes and grabs his hand. "I'm keeping a secret for him so I can do whatever I want!" Alex smugly admits.

"Oh my god, shut up.." Wil grumbles. "And yes, you are very pretty, Y/N. But that's her funeral attire, don't tell her to go to a wedding dressed in clothing for a funeral" He scoffs at Alexs' inappropriate behavior.

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