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chapter fourteen

           "Why do we have to go? Can't we all just live in the sewers, together, forever?" Alex complains, crossing his arms and turning his head away from us

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           "Why do we have to go? Can't we all just live in the sewers, together, forever?" Alex complains, crossing his arms and turning his head away from us. We all stood at the entrance of the sewer. We, as in, Ted, Schlatt, me, Wil, Alex, and Tucker.

"We would constantly stink" Wilbur deadpans. "I'm not gonna stink to make you happy" He shakes his head. I glance at Schlatt and see him hold back his urge to insult Wil.

"Is Y/N leaving too?" Alex asks, uncrossing his arms and looking at me. I nod in reply. "Fine, let's go back to the mansion! I think I left my blanket there anyways.." He shrugs, Wil sighs in relief (probably glad he wouldn't have to try to convince Alex to leave).

I'm hesitant for a moment, but I quickly step forward and give Alex a small hug. Well, it was going to be a small hug but when he realized I had hugged him he threw his arms around me and held me tightly. "Sheesh, am I fifth wheeling..?" Ted mutters a joke to Tucker. Wilbur nudges Ted and he apologizes.

Alex let's go of me and smiles for a moment before speaking. "Okay, we should go before the sun rises. Bye Y/N!" Alex waves to me, follow behind Wilbur.

"Hey!" Schlatt shouts, upset that he hadn't gotten a goodbye.

"Goodbye, Schlatt! And Ted! And Tucker!" Alex shouts to them as he and Wil walk farther. Wilbur looks over his shoulder and gives me and small wave before he and Alex start talking. "Can you believe it Wilbur? Y/N hugged me!" Alex quietly cheers. I turn my attention to the three men (well one magic man, one cherub, and one ghost) next to me.

"So, I guess you guys should get going" Ted sighs. I look at him confused, he holds out his hand to reveal Schlatt's wedding ring. "Get out of here you crazy kids" He chuckles and shakes his head. I take the ring and slide it onto my ring finger, yet it still slipped down so I had to keep my hand tilted slightly so it wouldn't fall off.

Schlatt crosses his arms and scowls. "I'm basically like, a hundred and two or something.." Schlatt mumbles, his face sour due to the insult of being called a kid.

"Oh, and before I forget--" Ted sticks his hand in his hand in the pocket of his milkman pants and takes out my necklace. "You forgot this on the nightstand" He passes it to me. I grab it by the crucifix and slide the necklace over my head so it rests on my collarbone.

"Thanks for your hospitality, Ted-- and Tucker" I quickly add, Tucker happily smiles. "And yeah, I.. we should probably get back home" I agree with what Ted had said earlier.

We say a few more goodbyes before Schlatt and I are on our way back home. "Man, I have had a long week" Schlatt groans, 'cracking' his neck.

"I really am sorry for.. almost killing you..? It was raining that day and I didn't know, did you get hurt?" I softly ask, I still felt guilty even if he forgave me.

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