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chapter eight

            "I thought you died" My father stares at me, confused on how I was sitting at the kitchen table, when the last time he saw me I was literally in vampires' home

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            "I thought you died" My father stares at me, confused on how I was sitting at the kitchen table, when the last time he saw me I was literally in vampires' home. "How did you survive?" He questions.

"They let me go.." I scowl at him. "They aren't actually that bad, but you still could've tried and protected me!" I shout at him, he rolls his eyes. "And not get thrown out a window immediately.." I mutter under my breath.

"Oh, whatever. This isn't your job, it's mine" He scoffs at my attitude. "Y'know, your mother died to a vampire. I have every right to be scared!" He huffs and crosses his arms.

"I'm starting to really believe that she didn't even die to a vampire. Actually, I think you did it!" I shout, pointing my finger at him.

"Wha-- get out!" He shouts, walking closer to me so I step back. "Leave, and don't come back until you've thought about what you said!"

"You're just kicking me out? It's dawn! You're kicking me out at dawn? What if someone dangerous is out there?" I raise my voice even louder, trying to seem strong when in reality I was terrified, I've never had him kick me out before.

He glares. "Leave and think about what you've just said to your own father.."

The door slams shut as soon as I step out onto the cobble road. I glare ahead of me. Well now I know what makes him sensitive, jeez. The sun had just risen so nobody was out yet and the sky was a orangish-blue. I decide to walk to the town center while I 'think about what I've said'.

There was a fountain in the very center of the town, it was very old looking because of all the chipped pieces of stone. People would throw money in it so the bottom was full of dirty coins. I live close to the town center, so it didn't take me long to get there.

I puff out a breath of annoyance and sit down on the edge of the stone fountain. I look down at the cobble ground. "God, you look pathetic" Schlatt laughs. He scared the shit out of me, I had almost fallen back into the fountain.

"Why do you just appear out of no where?! Like, you could have appeared four minutes earlier while I was walking here but you appear when I'm least expecting it!" I scoff at his actions, he waves it off.

"Eh, seeing someone scared of me is pretty funny. And it's a good look on ya, toots" He grins and floats over, peaking down into the water. I had almost said something really mean (also almost mentioning his ex) but I stopped myself. "Woah, why don't you just grab this cash?" He asks, staring down at the coins in the water.

I shrug. "First of all, I think the kids in town steal them. Second, it might be illegal.." I trail off, trying to recall if that certain law was real. I look down into the water with him. "It's mostly pennies, we could buy a lot of stuff with that" I point out, glancing at Schlatt.

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