May we meet again

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(Y/ns pov)
It was near dark and the sun was setting people were at their posts I was at mine holding a gun in my hands looking through the scope waiting for the grounders to attack when I heard Bellamy.

"Hey y/n can you come down here real quick?" I jumped down from my post and stood in front of him "what's up?" I ask "I made this for you." He held up a ring made out of metal from the drop ship with the words I love you engraved on it "awe that's really sweet Bell." He grabbed my hand and slid the ring on my pointer finger it was a perfect fit.

"I love it but why did you make it?" I know Bellamy made it for some cheesy reason but I wanted to hear I'm say it.

"In case I die you'll always have a piece of me with you." Wait what "Bellamy why would you say that!" I wasn't going to let him die that was not my plan "y/n just listen to me I need you to live at all costs you hear me you need to live for them." I'm still not over this whole in case I die thing.

"Okay but Bellamy I won't let you die alright." He nodded "alright." He placed a hand on my cheek and pulled my lips to his for a passionate and deep kiss when he pulled away he spoke "I love you." Before I could speak I heard Harper yell "THEY'RE HERE!" And guns started firing and Bellamy took off and I climbed back up to my post and waited for grounders when I saw them I took them down with head shots one after another but I knew that I had to stay alive just so i could tell Bellamy how much I really loved him after all this was over.

The grounders didn't stop coming at one point my gun jammed and I was completely defenseless the grounders jumped over the wall and knocked me down to the ground my back hit that ground hard and I got the air knocked out of me but I continued to fight I wasn't going to die today that wasn't what I was going to do the grounder was strong I'll give it to him but he was too strong I couldn't fight back for long he was on top of me punching me but a loud gun shot rang and the grounder fell to the ground and Bellamy picked me up "you alright?" He asked kinda loud over all the gun shots "yeah!" I say and he took off again I ran into the drop ship with most of my people the only ones that weren't in there at this point was Bellamy and Finn a few others too I ran out of the drop ship yelling for the others but it was too late Clarke pulled me back in the drop ship and closed the door and grounder jumped in at the last second and began charging at Clarke I jumped in the way but Jasper yelled "Y/N I NEED YOUR HELP!" So I ran to Jasper helping him with the drop ship we needed to take off so I helped him I realized Bellamy was still out there but it was too late to get him I flipped the switch to take off and we took off when it was over we opened the door to see fried grounders.

Suddenly a red smoke came towards us I heard the grounder speak "mountain men." The everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a room and I was in all white I got up unhooked myself from the Machines then looked out the small window on my door Jasper was across from me I wanted to hug him but I couldn't I walked back over to the bed and sat down thinking about Bellamy and how he was dead and that I was never going to be able to tell him that I truly loved him I went to spin the ring on my finger but it was gone.

(Bellamy's pov)
I had gotten away from camp before they took off I had found Finn and now we are being lead by horse tied up when a spear goes through him then Octavia ran out and hugged me "you're alive!" She said and I nodded she untied Finn and I then in the woods we heard something I pushed Octavia behind me and I saw Marcus Kane come out with some others from the ark they made it! "What are you kids doing out here and where's the rest of you?" He began "at the drop ship." Finn stated and we led them to it but when we got there no was there it was a ghost ship now Raven was left inside and she was alive but unresponsive I looked around for any signs of the others but there was nothing I glanced at the ground and saw something metal on it I picked it up and I had recognized it it was the ring I had given to y/n before the grounder attack she took it off why would she do that? Did she not want it? Did she not want me? Bellamy stop this is crazy it might have just fallen off they take us back to their camp and tie us up but I wasn't going to sit here and wonder if y/n was okay I was going after them Octavia came and unlocked us Murphy was there too we left to go find them hoping for the best.

Sorry for the short chapter but this is the end of season 1 season two will begin now till next chapter my loves <3

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