Murphy's gone crazy

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(Y/ns pov)
As I'm helping out people with Clarke Octavia and Murphy when I heard Bellamy cough awake at ran to his side.

"Hey hey it's okay." I say to him with a soft voice "it is now princess." He smiled it was nice seeing Bellamy smile.

"Do you feel any better?" I ask he nods "yeah a lot how do you feel?" Awe he's worried about me "I'm fine I don't feel a thing they blew up the bridge Raven is sick but they pulled it off." He smiled again "that's good to hear." I nodded and grabbed some water for him "here drink this." He took it and drank it.

"What was it you wanted to tell me yesterday?" He asked and it felt almost wrong to tell him right now given the circumstances "oh don't worry about it it's not that important." I guess I didn't sound so convincing because he clearly didn't buy it.

"Y/n come on I know you what is it?" I didn't know what to tell him I couldn't just spring this on him not now "don't worry we'll talk about this later." He nodded after a while everyone was feeling better and now we went on a hunting party because some idiot added to much fire to the pit and burned all our food so we set off not really catching anything.

When we got back Raven came up to me "hey I need your help with something." She says and so I followed her to help her with what she needed help with.

(Bellamy's pov)
When we got back from our hunting trip Raven took y/n to help her with something but I noticed something was off Clarke and Finn hadn't come back yet that I'd seen anyway I went to ask Raven if she'd seen them but I stopped at the flap of the tent because they were talking about something they were talking about me.

"So have you told Bellamy yet?" Raven questioned told me what? I'm curious "no I haven't." Y/n replied "and why not?" Tell me what I'm so confused "because there hasn't been a good time and plus he wanted to forget that night in the cave so what would be the point anyway." First of all I only said that so she wouldn't feel obligated to feel something for me if she didn't and second of all what? "Y/n look you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and if you don't notice they way Bellamy looks at you then you're so blind he's definitely in love with you and not just because of looks i mean personality and all that stuff." Raven was right I was in love with y/n she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

"Yeah but Raven I just don't understand him he says he loves me kisses me then sleeps with these other girls like I don't exist and I just want him to stop I want him to be mine and only mine is that too much to ask?" Wait a second she knows how she feels about me? Why didn't she just tell me "no y/n you're not asking too much you just need to tell him before it's too late." I know I just heard this entire conversation that I probably shouldn't have heard but I'm still slightly confused and had so many questions was y/n in love with me? If so why didn't she tell me? And so much more but I wasn't about to ask.

"Yeah you're right." I waited for a moment before entering the tent keeping my cool not mentioning anything about what I just heard "hey Raven did Clarke and Finn come back yet?" I asked he shook her head "no but they left with someone else Miles." I nodded "well let's go look for them."I say and the both of them jumped up and followed me we looked for a while but returned to camp when we found miles with a arrow in him we get there and decided to call it a night Miller stayed with Miles and I went out with y/n to talk to her.

(Y/ns pov)

"You know that really sucks for Miles." I spoke breaking the silence Between Bellamy and I "yeah it does but uhm hey I actually wanna talk to you about something?" That's kinda terrifying "uhm okay?" I reply not wanting to continue this conversation "uhm do you think I don't want you?" What? "I'm sorry what?" I say not sounding sarcastic or rude or anything just confused because I was "you know what never mind." He says as he turns away from me to start walking away but I grab his arm.

"No bell talk to me." He just looked at me "I don't remember what I was going to say y/n I'm sorry." He then just walked away leaving me there.

The next day I was on the third floor of the drop ship I was just thinking when Jasper came up getting some gun power for Raven when he went down I followed him but he spoke "y/n go back up and lock the hatch." But I didn't listen and followed him down and saw Murphy over miles who was now dead "he tied the noose around my neck." Jasper looked shocked "don't tell Bellamy." Before me or Murphy could respond a voice cracked through Jasper's walki talki "don't tell Bellamy what." It was Bellamy jasper pulled it out of his pocket and spoke "Bellamy Murphy killed miles he's got a gun-" before he could finish Murphy took him down at this point i was tied up in the back of the drop ship sitting next to Jasper.

Murphy shut the door to the drop ship and was speaking with Bellamy on the walki "come on Murphy you don't wanna hurt Jasper you wanna hurt me let him walk and I'll take his place." He said and I was in complete disagreement no but Murphy agreed and sent Jasper out as Bellamy came in then he closed the door once again when Bellamy noticed me he looked at Murphy "her too." But Murphy disagreed and stated barking orders at Bellamy "throw this up there." Seatbelts tied into a noose he was going to kill Bellamy and make me watch Bellamy did that but when he said to put it around his neck and he didn't do it Murphy shot the gun right next to my head I let out a shriek "do it or the next one goes in her head." Bellamy did it I couldn't get free no matter what I did but when the door opened Murphy kicked the chair down from underneath him and ran up the ladder when jasper and the others came in the got Bellamy down and they all went after Murphy leaving me there still tied up.

When they came back down Bellamy came running to me and untied me I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. "Are you okay?" He asked me and yes I was fine apart from almost watching the man I loved die and almost being shot in the head I was fine I was more worried about him.

"Yeah are you?" I said with teary eyes happy that I was in his arms "yeah yeah as long as you're okay princess." We stayed like that for a moment when I pulled away some of the tears fell from my eyes and Bellamy wiped them away and didn't say a word at some point we were standing outside Bellamy had his arm wrapped around my shoulders we didn't speak tho Murphy had also shot at the floor and shot Raven she was resting in the drop ship Clarke and Finn got back and told us to pack our things and head out of camp but it was pointless we'd set up trip wires and everything to defend this camp but that didn't matter we were leaving we gathered stuff and left but when we did arrows were shooting at us and we returned back to camp and got ready for war.

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