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Hi everyone !

I am so sorry about the lateness of chapter 3. Please enjoy your early V-DAY present from me. You will also get another present as I will give you a sneak peek for chapter 4.

Enjoyyy !!

Elena woke up a week after giving birth to Hope. It took her a while to wake up due to being a part of the Petrova bloodline. Kol had to turn her after the birth as there was no way that Elena could survive if she hadn't been turned. Elena has no clue what has been going on as she is with Hope. Kol was with the others talking about the situation.

I hate that I haven't told her about Peter yet, said Kol as he sighed. Elena just woke up a few days ago. She is learning how to be a mother and a vampire at the same time, said Esme. So what have we got so far? Asked Rosalie as she looked at Carlisle. Well we have word from Fury and it is about Peter, said Carlisle.

Edward looked at Jasper and Emmett before answering. How is he? Asked Edward. Peter is ok but he has injuries from the attack but Peter got him pretty good, said Carlisle.

So that means we have DNA from the scene right? Asked Jacob. That's when the bad news comes in, said Esme. Bad news? How is getting the attackers DNA bad news? Asked Renesmee. Well of course getting DNA would be a good thing in any case, said Carlisle.

What is it? Asked Kol as he noticed that Carlisle and Esme were tensed up and that is never a good thing when it comes to this family. We got word from Washington, said Esme. From Professor? Asked Emmett. Yes it's from Charles. They got the results back from the labs but when they got the results back they didn't find anything, said Carlisle.

So they found nothing from the attacker? Asked Alice. Seems like it but that is not the only thing we need to worry about right now, said Esme. What do you mean? Asked Bella. The team thinks that this battle is personal or going to be, said Carlisle.

Personal as in? Asked Edward. You mean personal as in this attacker knows who Peter is and knows he's spiderman, said Jacob. Yes because why else would Peter be having fights with him nearly everyday and the fight is always near the tower, said Kol.

Carlisle sighs. I have a feeling we need to train if we are going to help Peter, said Jasper. Of course we will help Peter. We are family no matter what, said Esme as she was worried about Peter. If we are going to help Peter then you need to tell Elena what is going on, said Rosalie.

Kol sighed as he looked at his wife and daughter. You need to tell her sometime, said Emmett. I will, said Kol. Wait if this fight is personal then this guy needs Peter for something, said Jacob. That is what Logan suggested but what is worrying me is what does this guy need Peter for and why? Asked Carlisle.

I think we should train right now. This guy might not be alone, said Jasper. Do we inform Bruce and his team? Asked Jacob. Seems like we need everyone in this together, said Carlisle.

I will go and tell Elena now so she is caught up but she is still a newborn. I just took her hunting today for the first time, said Kol. Newborn vampires are at their strongest at this stage so we need her to train, said Esme. Kol sighed and left the room. Are we ever going to have peace? Asked Bella. We will but not forever. We need to do things in order to have a normal life, said Esme.

Hey, said Kol. Hey what was that meeting about? Is everything ok? Asked Elena as she was rocking Hope in her arms. Can we talk about something? It's something bad unfortunately, said Kol as Elena passed Hope to him. Is it about Hope? Asked Elena. No, our little girl is fine and healthy but it's about Peter, said Kol.

This War is Only The Start - Part 1 of Peter's storyWhere stories live. Discover now