Ch.2 | A Big Cottage ☀︎

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Upon arriving, one thing I noticed is the greenery. Of course on the way here I saw lots, but it's on another level here! With beautiful fields and bright flowers, it's really nice. "This is it." Said Mr. Foster. "This is Mrs. Charlottes cottage." And looking at the size of that cottage, it didn't look like one at all! "That is.. a really big cottage.." I say. It was huge! With a million windows and the biggest, largest, and grandest! front door, I don't know how I was expected to believe this was a cottage. Mr. Foster quickly got out to get my bags and I tried to open the car door to leave but as I was opening it there was a loud thud! as if I had hit something. I quickly got out to see a young boy, around my age, lying on the ground, groaning. "Oh- I am so sorry-" I said as I kneeled down checking on him. Thankfully he wasn't knocked out but there was a bump on his forehead from the hit. "Agh.. would it care to be a little more careful?" He said in a groggy voice. "Let me help you up.." I pulled him up and helped him steady on his feet. "Uhm Mr. Foster, I'm gonna help this- boy get inside. It'll be super quick!" I said, putting his arm around my neck for support. Mr. Foster looked up, "Ah, I see you've met the always injured doorman." He says. I start helping the boy forward. "I guess.. I have.." We reach the doorstep and he takes out multiple keys. "Here, unlock it." He says handing the keys to me. I stare blankly. "Which key is it?" "The one with the doré flower on it." I look through the keys. "What kind of flower is that?" He looks baffled. "Yellow, shiny, rare, only grows in Soleilville? The doré flower!" I shrug. "Never heard of it." "It's only the most sought after flower in the world!" He yells. "Still not latching on, oh! think I found it." I show him the key and he nods so I unlock the cottage and go in, but now he won't stop going on a tangent about that doré flower. "And it's so shiny that-" I stop him. "Enough about the flower please? Are there any ice packs here?" He points to the bottom of the fridge and I pull out an ice pack. "Let me put it on your forehead." I say. I hold it there awkwardly. "So, what's your name?" He asks. "Elizabeth." He nods. "What's yours?" I ask. "Eric." I nod aswell. It's so awkward it's almost painful, but before it could get awkward enough my great aunt comes in. "Helen dear, is that you?" I turn around and see my aunt. She's tall and pale. Her hair is short and is red like mine and she has blue eyes instead of green, because if she had green we'd practically be twins! I give the ice pack to Eric and rush over to her. "Aunt Charlotte!" I give her a big hug. "Oh darling, I'm so happy to see you here. You're gonna absolutely love it here." She says. I smile "I'm so happy to see you! And yes, Soleilville is very beautiful." She smiles and looks over at Eric who's shamefully putting his head down while holding the ice pack. "Oh my Eric, did you injure yourself again? What was it this time?" Eric's face flushes with embarrassment. "I- I got hit by the car door. Again." My aunt snickers and pats his head. "It'll be fine, oh and Eric would you mind bringing my niece around the town? Showing her things? Like a little tour." She asks. Eric quickly nods. "Yes ma'am." She smiles. "Thank you Eric. I'm so sorry dear, the day you came I should be giving you a tour, but me and your parents have.. business to discuss." "It's okay Aunt Charlotte, maybe we can go to your beach house next time!" I say. "Maybe we can!" She gives me another hug and walks off into another room. "Also Fosters loading all your things into the guest room! Don't worry!" She yells. "Okay!" I yell back. My aunt is so cool. And her house looks so cozy and comfy! I'm becoming a little more excited to stay here! "Well I guess you're getting a tour of Soleilville." Eric says jumping off the counter. "I guess I am." I reply. "Cmon let's go, I'll show you the fields first!" Says Eric.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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