Ch. XXV ✡Realization✡

Start from the beginning

You catch the sudden smug stare from Alastor, and your teeth clench.
He's doing this on purpose, isn't it? Just another one of his tools used to piss you off.
Your insides twist. Or maybe...he can sense the jealousy, and he's fueled by it.

That's most likely the case. Asshole.

As Alastor takes his leave, going to the left of the longue and walking down a long, dimly lit hallway, Mimzy walks--more like sways--her way to the bar, props herself on a bar stool beside you, and orders a drink.

You try your best to avert your gaze from her unwelcoming and unwanted presence. Though it's a great challenge.

"Still slinging hooch for Alastor, huh pussycat?" she remarks in a playful yet rude tone to Husker as he slides her her drink.

Husker grumbles under his breath. "Bitch."
He has the right idea, leaving the bar the second she speaks. You yourself tried to make your escape, but you flinched upon hearing her voice, this time, directly to you.

"And you are?" she asks in a low, almost angry tone, her eyes staring intensely at you. Had she really not noticed you yet during her frequent visits at the hotel? It wouldn't be surprising.

Besides, you're not embarrassed to admit that you have been purposely trying to stay out of her sight, not because you're self-conscious or shy. More'll snap at any moment if you have to stand next to her for longer than necessary.

With a soft clear of your throat and gentle clasp of your hands on the counter, you begin to reply in a respectful tone.
"My name is Y/N Morde. Zestial's daughter."

Mimzy snorts, her shoulders shrugging. "Never heard of him," she raises her glass as a slight snicker escapes her lips, "then again, if he was so important I would've heard of him."

You clench your jaw. The nerve of this demoness. But...two can play at this game. And you're quite the good game player.

"And you are Mimzy, hm?" you tilt your head innocently, "Alastor's friend."

She nods smugly, appearing a bit proud that someone like her knows Alastor on levels no one else--not even you--will ever know. Not in this Afterlife.
A smirk tugs at your lips. Time to crush her and her arrogance, as it is well deserved.

You swirl the remnants of tea in your cup, your eyes lazily gazing at the bits of herbs that snuck through the teabag.
"How interesting, I've never heard Alastor mention your name before," you do a casual one shoulder shrug, "but then again, if you were so important, I would have heard of you."

You fight to keep from laughing as you see from the corner of your eye Mimzy's shocked yet evil expression appearing on her face, her fingers tapping harshly against the wooden counter her forearm rests on.

Even Angel himself is trying not to snicker beside you--as he's always one to enjoy such drama.
Where's the popcorn when he needs it now?

She huffs, crossing her arms and legs and turning away on her barstool so that her exposed back can face you in a cold demeanor.
Though that doesn't bother you one bit, in fact, you like that you don't have to see her face for the time being.

"Sooooo," Angel leans forward, "you and Alastor are like, friends or somethin'?"
You roll your eyes. As if it wasn't obvious, and because now you're stuck in the middle of a conversation between Angel and Mimzy.

Mimzy giggles, her finger gently twisting and tugging a lock of her hair that rests near her left eye. "Well, that's your word, not mine," a blush can be seen plainly on her dimpled cheeks, her heart aflutter at the thoughts of Alastor, of her relationship with him.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now