"Livia wait." Fox says with an unusually sharp voice and grabs my wrist quickly.

I stop on my tracks, feeling something off with the way she walked towards us. Was something wrong?

"Livia. You made it, and with company." Eleanor grins a wicked smile.

"Where's the cafe we talked about? I thought we were supposed to meet there?" I ask hastily but even without an answer the bad feeling gets stronger and I already guess where the cafe is. It is nowhere. Shit, Fox was right that I didn't think this to the end.

"Oh honey, you are so gullible." She still smiles. "I didn't really think you'd be so easy to trick here."

Now I feel incredibly stupid. How the fuck could I be so stupid? The way she talked good about me, made me believe that Fox could like me, that I had to follow my dreams... shit. She really got me trapped with her pretty fingers. HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?

I should've believed when Fox told me this was a bad idea. If I just would've listened...

"We need to go." I mutter and begin to back down, taking Fox's hand in my now sweaty hand.

"Already? Not so soon honey." Eleanor says, her beautiful blonde hair making my eyes not being able to believe she could do this to us.
Whatever she wanted to do with us...

"No, we'll go now or I'll call the cops." Fox says steadily, but I know he's just as tensed as I am.

My head snaps to look behind us when I hear footsteps. "Fox..." I can't get more than a whisper out when four men dressed in all black comes behind us, blocking our way to leave. They looked about thirty years old and well trained. I gulp down my panic, I had to stay calm.

"What do you want?" I bark out, trying to sound like I wasn't about to lose my shit at the moment.

"Don't yell at me or I will hurt you." Eleanor suddenly turns serious and glares at me.

"Don't touch her." Fox yanks me from my arm closer to him, and I can feel how fast his heart beat. My heart rate was skyrocketing too. This time not from Fox's touch.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt your girl if she behaves." She says but I couldn't trust her. I can't believe I really trusted her, thought of her as my friend. Betraying bitch. "I wanted her alone in here for a reason but looks like we have to change plans." She rolls her eyes like looking annoyed by Fox tagging along.

I can never be more thankful than I was at this moment for Fox not letting me leave alone. Thank goodness he was here with me, otherwise I would be absolutely fucked up.

"What do you want from me?" I ask quietly this time, wanting to scream but keeping myself in control.

"I want you to model for something." Eleanor smiles and my heart jumps to my throat. I knew exactly what she meant. "Everyone loves a dumb American girl with her big blue eyes and pretty body."

"No! Keep your filthy hands off her!" Fox blusters. "Take all of my money I don't care just don't touch her." He begs.

"I don't need your pocket money if I can make hundreds of dollars with her. Get him off." Eleanor says and waves her hand towards Fox and her guards take action.

"No!" I screech, angry with fucking everything. I cling onto Fox, not knowing what to do. I'm angry, disappointed in myself and most of all terrified. I hate being scared.
"You bitch!" I scream again when I feel his guards grab me by my shirt.

"I'll give you everything I have! My parents can give you a lot more than you even want! Let her go!" Fox grabs me so tightly that it hurts, refusing to let go when the well trained men try to tear us apart.

When I feel a hand on my waist, that is not Fox's, I remember a pen in my pocket that was sharp enough to hurt.

I draw it out of my pocket and a disgusting sound follows when I stick it deep into the man's filthy hand. No one except Fox could touch me.

"Motherfucker!" The man screams like a little girl, gets mad at me for being only as reasonable as he was.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I scream back, furiously but terrified. I couldn't fight them, that was just a pure fact. Maybe annoy, but not save myself.

"Please stop! I can pay you!" Fox still tries to get Eleanor to listen. He's shaking, not as badly as I am, but I know he's scared for me.

"This doesn't last long, she just poses her pictures and I'll leave her alone. No biggies." She just shrugs off.

"You're fucking disgusting!" I screech.

"I told you to not yell at me!" She says and smacks me in the head with a metallic thing. It's only till then that I realise she's holding a fucking gun. It hurts, but I hardly even notice the pain since my adrenaline was so high.

"Stop!" Fox covers my head with his hand to protect it and I bury my head deeper into his chest, never willing to let go. "Leave her alone! I won't let you go until I'm dead." He promises me.

"Aww. Too bad I'm not afraid of killing." Eleanor shrugs, pointing the gun now towards Fox.

"No!" I shriek horrified.

"Take her. We'll discuss about your parents's money. Let's see if I'll change my mind about your girl's photoshoot." She says to Fox and I'm forced out of his arms with a gun and a lot of fighting.

I nearly throw up my stomach acids while the two man are pushing me towards a metallic door. Fox is being held up by two, too. He's screaming at them not to touch me.

"You're fucking disgusting you know that? I'm going to kill you!" I scream to the men but they don't even glance at me. "I'm going to kill you! You heard me!" I continue my screaming, because I'm afraid if I don't scream, I'll fall apart.

They throw me to the other side harshly. My head feels blurry and panic begins to break through my chest, and I fight to keep myself at least somewhat calm.

"You're not going to hurt Fox, right?" I have to confirm but nobody gives me an answer, just pushes me towards a disgusting looking hallway. Grey walls are covered in... I don't even want to know what. This place looks haunted and like a good place to get myself traumatised. "Answer me bitches!" I screech.

One of them gives me a sharp punch in response, and I fall down from the power of it.
Hot and sticky blood begins to fall down my cheek as I struggle to get back up.

The worst thing is, I can't even blame anyone else than myself. I was stupid to believe Eleanor.

"Go change in there." One of the men says to me, pointing towards a creepy looking door. But I'd rather die than do that.

"No. Want me to stab you again?" I ask, playing off my brave role better than I expected.

"We have guns. Now get to the fucking room before I drag you there myself." He growls.

"Then shoot me! I don't care!"

But to my horror, they actually have their guns. I hate it, more than anything, but I have to obey. I didn't actually want to die... I couldn't do that to Fox, or mom, or Elijah.

I take hesitant steps towards the room, feeling like crying. I wanted to weep already, but I couldn't let myself do that. Otherwise I'd have no chance to save myself and Fox. Even though I was feeling pretty fucking helpless right now.


Words: 1978

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