Ch. VIII ✡Poker Face✡

Start from the beginning

Though in your case, it's neither of those things, you're just curious.

Why was Alastor down here alone? Clearly, there is no one around to play cards with him...except his shadow? reading Alastor's body language, and listening to his tones whenever he speaks, it's almost as if he set this up...and was waiting for you to arrive and take the empty chair across from him.

Suspicious. Yet, a cute gesture. Does he like you THAT much to wait until your work was completed just to play a game with you?
How sweet, but in your head, you know the real reason as to why he did this.

A story you remember that beside deal-making, Alastor wins souls over games of poker.
And this is clearly a poker game he's set up, due to how the cards and chips are displayed.

You chuckle, placing both hands on the table as you lean closer to him. "If you really think I'm going to gamble my soul over a poker game, then you're a fool."

Alastor smirks. He loves it when you use that sound so threatening, yet so adorable at the same time.
He slides you your hand of cards in a casual manner.

"Not for your soul, just a simple game!" he says, "I'm bored, and since you just happen to be up this late, I figured this would be fun! There's no harm in an innocent game of poker between friends," he remarks, his tone screaming with daring and risky.

You feel your lips tug into a smirk. "There isn't anything innocent when it comes to you and me," you whisper, leaning closer to his face, "We're quite the poisonous pair...when we are combined."

Right there, you triggered something within Alastor, something that left him breathless, his chest shuddering on the inside.
You delivered your words so...almost seductively. How the hell did you succeed in such a thing?! No one has ever accomplished that when it came to Alastor!

Maybe, Alastor thinks to himself, maybe it's the fact that you and him are similar, that you're a high ranked demoness, and that underneath your appealing face and gentle're a nightmare.

A nightmare he wants to see again so badly.

Smirking, Alastor responds. "Aren't we?" he agrees, "so, how would you like this game to play out?"
By now, you could request anything. You somehow managed to...wrap him around your finger. Alastor admits, you could request a kiss and he would deliver, but that is only IF you win.

Which Alastor finds unlikely. He's quite skilled in poker...he'll most likely end up being the one winning, and receiving whatever it is that he desires from you. It's exciting to think about.

You smirk, upon realizing that this very well could be your chance to find something that could possibly be used against Alastor.
You lean back to sit on the chair beside you. Since he's giving you permission to choose your reward if you decide to do just that.

"If I win, you tell me something about yourself that you consider...a weakness."

Though it's barely noticeable, Alastor's eyes widen. Such an...interesting request. One that he feels he should deny, but...his ego gets in the way of him, and he accepts. Because he believes wholeheartedly that he'll end up being the one winning.

"Very well. But if I win," he leans closer to you, "then I will get to do whatever I want with you...until I say that I'm done. Is it a deal, darling?"

A little wave of fear floods your chest, entering your bloodstream, making your heart pound a little harder against your ribcage.
You're juggling fate and fire in both your hands, one little slip...and you'll get greatly burned.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now