"Where is your sister?"

"He killed her when she tried to run away."

"At least one of you had some sense. What is your name?"


Aiden remained by the bed clutching her womb instinctively trying to protect the precious life within, but she now knew that the frightened female truly was no threat to her or her child while also realizing she could feel her magic present but again in that damn bogged down state. "Imogen, I need your help. I need you to find your courage so that we can both get out of here before Olc harms my baby. Do you know how far along I am now?"

"I checked on you and the babe just before you woke. You are only mere weeks from delivery, Your Majesty."

"Shit," she whispered. "Who changed my clothes? Has Olc touched me?"

"No, Your Majesty. He brought you here still fully clothed with no evidence of tampering and told me to wash you and dress you in that nightgown. He has only returned once since then I think to strengthen the spell keeping you in sleep."

"How long since he brought me in here?"

"It has been almost a full two days. I have been keeping an eye on you and the babe. You were only a few of months along when he brought you in here but are now at the end of the eighth month mark."

Aiden felt a gentle kick to her swollen belly and looked deep inside fighting the forbidden magic seeing only enough to know that her son seemed healthy, but he was not meant to be that size yet. "I need food, but it must be something that will replenish my strength."

"I, along with the kitchen staff, have been ordered to only serve you broth and to add bread with your evening serving. That is all I am allowed to eat as well."

"I need meat, vegetables, fruit, and water. If you can get me those things, I can get us away from this place."

"I'm not allowed to leave these chambers. He has placed a spell upon them keeping me inside. I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

"Fine. I would like a bath, Imogen," Aiden ordered as an idea formed in her mind.

"Right away, Your Majesty," the female chimed seemingly glad to be asked for something she could actually do.

As she scurried into the bathing chamber, Aiden took another moment to search the room trying to find anything that would help her but found nothing knowing that the lack of decor and furnishings was deliberate. She felt movement again from within and placed her hand at the point where she felt the sharpness of another tiny nudge as she smiled knowing her son was saying hello and seeking comfort. "Hello, little one. I'm going to do everything I can to get us out of here and back home," she whispered while drudging up enough of her magic to check on him once more seeing that he still had darkness surrounding the warm sack he was in.

She turned and went quickly to the bathing chamber where Imogen had drawn a warm bath in the large tub. Aiden stripped off the nightgown and sank down into the water laughing to herself as the female finished adding in soothing herbs and oils. How stupid to have these things available when dealing with a full elemental she thought enjoying her triumph.

Closing her eyes and submerging down into the water infused with holistic supplements, she pulled from the plants and oils clearing the fog from her magic so that she could begin also ridding her son of the dark surrounding him. She wondered if Olc truly was this careless thinking his magic stronger than what she could pull from the actual elements.

Once she knew she was back in control of her power, Aiden sat up in the tub and smiled sweetly at Imogen who looked relieved that she had not drowned herself.

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