Chapter 5

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"Good morning, and Happy Birthday, Your Majesty."

Aiden felt Darren kiss the top of her head as she stretched in his arms now that he was awake. She winced as she felt a slight pull in her side and remembered the gash.

His hand moved to the injury and rubbed it gently soothing the minor ache nicely. "Is that from your battle? Does it hurt? I can get a healer if you need one. I should have been more careful of it last night."

"I'm fine. I completely forgot about my birthday. How long was I gone? I was in the other realm for a few days according to Danu."

"You were gone from here about three hours maybe. Fi and Beck left immediately after you went in, and when they got back an hour or so later, she said she was going to check and see if you were back because we know time works differently just not how different."

"I feel like months have passed instead of mere hours. So much to process. So much to do. Speaking of which, we better get going if we want to leave at first light."

Aiden jumped out of bed feeling excitement more than anxiety about going to Forgotten Palace. She had this feeling that there were many things waiting for them all.

Aiden came out of the bathing room decked out in fighting leathers armed to the teeth, but Darren was only half dressed standing with his muscled forearms crossed and a questioning look on his dashingly handsome face.


"Are we going to ignore that you almost slept through an entire night for the first time in who knows how long?"

"I defeated the monster. I should be able to sleep better now."

"I was hoping maybe I had something to do with it, but okay."

"I think you definitely helped the situation." She gave him a quick kiss then went to check her pack to make sure the map and cuff were in there even though she had already checked three times last night and again this morning before she got dressed. "Why aren't you dressed yet? We need to get going."

"Are you sure about all this? I'm not sure I'm okay with leaving our people."

"We went over this already. They will be protected until we return. I know this has all come up quickly, but I believe Danu. She has no reason to lie to us or harm us. They want this evil gone just like we do. We are doing this for our people, Darren."

"You're the Queen," he mumbled and went to finish getting dressed.

Fiadh was the first to meet them brimming with excitement after going on and on at dinner last night about all she wanted to learn about shifting. Caden, Beck, and Cillian joined soon after allowing them to be on their way after a quick meeting with the Generals.

To get to Forgotten Palace they journeyed deeper into the Faoi Gheasa Forest than any of them had ever been. Strange things were happening in the forest causing all to keep their guard up every second the further they went past their normal trails and favorite swimming holes.

"This is where Fi and I encountered several dead rabbits and birds. There is a sickness here that the animals fear which is why you hear no birds chirping or small woodland creatures rustling in the brush."

Beck was right. That part of the Faoi Gheasa was silent making it feel eerie and wrong. They passed through silently and on edge as if being watched. Every instinct keep screaming to run, but no threat could be heard or seen. Beck and Fiadh were leading since they were most familiar with that part of the forest from their scouting missions, but suddenly, Fiadh stopped and went so utterly still that it could only mean danger was near. She had exceptional hearing abilities, as did the other Chosen Ones, but hers was even more keen due to her shifting gift.

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