1-2: Recovery and Red Velvet

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CW// Pink gore, graphic description of execution, knives, painkiller use, mentions of a guy being an abusive dickhead but its only for a moment and he dies like 2 mins later so its ok :3

MonoMutt: Rise and shine, gifted kids!

I shot up out of bed, half-expecting the counsellor to be stood before me in my woozy, just-awoken state. 

MonoMutt: This is your 7am announcement! Wakey wakey murder and bakey!! 

My arm still stung a bit, and a quick check under the covers proved that it was still very bruised. I could at least move it again, even if it hurt. A lot. 

I thought about the dream I had last night. It was really weird that I remembered it all, when usually that wasn't the case. I wonder what Cinereus meant by "don't go near anyone you haven't already spent time with." It was probably something to do with avoiding being murdered, but what was I supposed to do about it while literally bedridden? Slap them with my shattered arm? Well, it's not completely shattered. Just heavily bruised. Oh well.

Kenji: Oh, you're awake! I'm so glad you're ok!

I opened my bleary eyes, vision focusing as I blinked away the sleep. Kenji was sat beside me in an uncomfortable-looking chair, grinning in relief. Noticeably, he had changed his previous yellow bandana in favour of a blue one with golden stripes. The curtains were open, letting in dappled sunlight that reflected off the spy's greyish eyes, making them glimmer like diamonds.

Kenji: Akiyoko told me you were here, and I was like "Oh my God, are they dead?? Like, did the bomb blow them up??" and she was like "I don't think so, but they're in the medical trailer" so I literally sprinted over here but you were already asleep, so I figured I'd stay with you, and Keita came in and offered me a quiche but I couldn't even eat, I was so worried! And I totally fell asleep in the chair and I think I woke up at like 4:00 and-

Gake: Woah, breathe! I'm okay, Kenji. Just... a little dazed. And- ow- still recovering, haha.

Kenji: I'm relieved. You have no clue how terrified I was!! I totally cried myself to sleep- I mean-uh- I was FRIED and I went to sleep! Because I didn't cry myself to sleep, haha! Hahaha...

Suddenly, I felt a hard object and a small box hit my face. I winced, turning towards the door.

Gake: Hey!!

Alexandra: Hello bitch. Akiyoko forced me to help get you some food while she got your grandfather medication, so here's the stalest most противный (disgusting) muffin I could find.

Akiyoko: Hey! That's not nice at all!

Kenji: Yeah Alexandra, they're still recovering!!

Alexandra: Jump off a step-stool and die, you bandana-wearing garden gnome. I don't even want to be here.

With that, the sculptor walked off, probably to sulk somewhere.

Akiyoko: I'm really sorry I can't stay long, but I wanted to say that there's going to be a party at 6pm! 

Gake: Really?

Akiyoko: Yep! Keita and Kenji decided that it'd help get our minds off... everything. Shirai agreed to bodyguard, so you should definitely come, if you feel better! Hanako's making a 7-tier cake!

Gake: 7 tiers?? Well, what flavour is it?

Akiyoko: Uhh... Chocolate, red velvet, gingerbread, coffee, uh... I forgot the rest. But it's going to be amazing and you should definitely come!

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