Dull Figure

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My eyes blinked open. A static void enveloped my senses, clouding my vision and filling my ears with a buzzing hum.

Gake: Where... where am I?

???: Do not fear, Mx. Kibotoko.

I cried out in shock at the sudden presence. Without turning around, I could already tell that there was someone behind me.

Gake: Hello? Who are you??

???: We do not have time for such pleasantries. 

I turned around, yet there was nobody there. The humming grew louder.

???: The camp is not what you think. Trust nobody. Lock your door. Do not strike a deal with the wolf. The grey bear will guide you when you sleep.

Gake: What the hell??

The humming was deafening now. I clutched my ears, whimpering in pain at the noise, although I couldn't hear it over the humming. 

Gake: What are you talking about? Who is the wolf??

???: The wolf is to blame for the suffering that will transpire. Do not attempt to win his game, for he will bend the rules against you. All you can do is wait for the game to be over.

My skull throbbed in agony as the humming somehow grew louder. I felt myself collapse to the ground.


???: M-

Gake: WHAT?!

???: Mono-

Suddenly, all was silent. My eyes snapped shut as I passed out once more.

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