
Start from the beginning

I am not without mercy. I am giving you one last chance.

Cupid 403's heart skipped a beat.

You are?

Yes, I have an idea for you

 What must I do, sir?

The Big Cupid leaned forward, his large, veiny hands clasped firmly on the table before him. His presence filled the room, commanding the attention of all who beheld him.

You will go to Earth as a human and finish the project. If you succeed, you will be rewarded. If you fail, you will be turned into an immortal, stripped of your Cupid status forever.

Fear clenched at Cupid 403's chest. The thought of living among humans, creatures he struggled to comprehend even from afar, sent a wave of unease through him. How could he navigate their complexities when he could barely understand their intricacies?

Sensing the turmoil in Cupid 403's mind, the Big Cupid smiled knowingly, his expression softening with understanding.

If you accept, You're only going to be a human temporarily, but if you fail, it might become the rest of your life.

403 gasped, the weight of the consequences crashing down on him. Despite the overwhelming odds, he found himself nodding fervently, his determination outweighing his fear.

As you wish, sir,

The Big Cupid's expression softened slightly, a hint of satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. With a solemn nod, he signaled the decision was made.

403 was escorted out of the office, the weight of his new mission heavy upon his shoulders. Stealing one last glance back at the imposing figure of the Big Cupid, he steeled himself for the daunting task that lay ahead.

>>>>–––– 💘 ––––<<<<

As Cupid 403 stood before the entrance to the bright, white tunnel, a surge of fear gripped him. What was this strange contraption, and what was it going to do to him? He hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest.

Seeing his trepidation, the technician let out a weary sigh, his demeanor reflecting the weight of his many years of service. Glancing up from his paperwork, he offered a reassuring explanation.

It's not going to hurt you,

he said wearily, his voice tinged with resignation. 

Just close your eyes and walk through it.

403 exhaled heavily, his breath quivering with uncertainty, before he slowly approached the mysterious machine. With a sense of determination mingled with fear, he shut his eyes tightly and took deliberate steps forward, his movements cautious and calculated. As he entered the tunnel, he felt a disorienting sensation, lights flashing around him, but he dared not open his eyes, focusing solely on reaching the other side.

Finally emerging from the tunnel, 403 opened his eyes with a heavy sigh of relief, only to be met with shock and surprise at his surroundings. But before he could fully comprehend his situation, he noticed something startlingly different about himself. Glancing down, he gasped in disbelief at the unfamiliar attire he now wore—pants and a red hoodie—realizing with a sinking feeling that he was no longer the same Cupid 403 he once was.

This way, please

403 followed behind the technician, his steps unsteady as he adjusted to the newfound lightness of his human body. But nothing could prepare him for the shock that awaited as they reached a mirror. As he gazed into his reflection, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Human. He was now a human.

His lean face, sharp jawline, and heavy eyebrows stared back at him, a stark contrast to the ethereal features he once possessed. He took in his slim, tall stature, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the transformation he had undergone.

Here are your documents, and your guide book.

403 received the essentials from the staff, his hands trembling slightly as he took hold of the piece of paper detailing his human form's details. His eyes scanned the name given to him, and then he looked up at the mirror, his heart pounding with anticipation.


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