What of Instincts and Love?

Start from the beginning

"And if we were kept away from each other?" Vegeta countered, 

"I don't understand, why not Goten?" Bulma ran her hands through her hair, 

"Why didn't Kakarot choose you?" Vegeta asked, 

"Huh?" Bulma asked, genuinely taken by his words, 

"We don't just choose...We believe our instincts choose who is meant to be with us." Vegeta said, looking away, she could see a blush make its way to his face, 

"Then why me?" she asked, 

"I, myself, did not understand why either. Until Meira spelled it out for me," Vegeta chuckled, Bulma raised her eyebrows, 

"They spoke about Vegeta and I?" Bulma thought in disbelief knowing that she actually checked the security cameras and noticed how much time they spent together the day before while she was dropping off the Z warriors. Bulma hated this side of her, but she did not want to lose her husband because of something she could not help her species. 

"You are a woman, that is well established, despite being unable to fight, you manage to make that matter less and less with your mind and creations. Your father and you built an empire with your minds, a kingdom in your own respect," Vegeta explained, she could detect a hint of pride in Vegeta's voice as he spoke. She studied him closely, his eyes met hers and she noticed his ears turn red. 

"So all of this time it was your hormones forcing you to be with me? So that you could somehow remain royal, and that your offspring would have an empire to inherit" She asked, raising an eyebrow, Vegeta's eyes widened at the question, and his face started colouring as well, as if Meira's teasings about his feelings were not enough for the month, now this also, 

"I...I would... not say that..." he struggled, 

"What do you mean?" she asked folding her arms. It's not like she has not been someone's object of affection before because of her money, she just hoped it was something more than being with someone whose species did not measure success on a person's wealth. 

" You heard all the 'future' you did for 'Future' Trunks to get to us, she- you fought against all odds and made sure that she made a way for our son to come back and get our aid, knowing that it was their best chance at survival, she-you protected our child, that's what a warrior does, they protect, you are a warrior in your own right," he explained, making Bulma's mind came to stand still, she had never heard him say that many nice things about her, even though Meira had to spell it out it what he acted on long before Meira came into the picture. Bulma was speechless, calling her a warrior was the greatest compliment that Vegeta could give she knew that, 

"But that was me from a different timeline," she argued, but she knew it was a weak stance to take, 

"Bulma, she is still you. If you will not take that example, then understand that you are able to juggle so many things at once, running our household, modernizing your inventions, still contributing to your company from the shadows, managing to expand the company across borders after monopolizing the tech industry here, looking after your employees, coupled with all your corporate citizenship initiatives, while maintaining your hobbies, being a reliable friend to all and a good mother to our children." Vegeta paused and looked into her eyes, which seemed to be glossed over. She never knew that Vegeta watched her work in that much detail, 

"If you will not accept the title of a warrior, then at least take stock of the fact that where I am from, a woman that is able to accomplish that much at the same time, is called a Queen," he said, Bulma gasped softly and put a hand in front of her mouth. Queen. A warrior was great but a "Queen" came meaning that she was supposed to be at his side, 

"Meira, stand down, she is my mate and therefore my equal. I have selected her. Therefore, she is your superior. " she did not register what he had meant during all of the whiplash that came with discovering a full female Saiyan, 

"And well... my instincts... were what led me to you... b-but they are not what kept me with you for 20 years...Um...because you are not a Saiyan-" Vegeta continued when he noticed that she was not going to say anything, he noticed a frown grow on her face at the comment of her species,

"Then why?" she asked, her voice was barely a whisper,

"W-Well I-I..." she watched Vegeta turn redder than a tomato, he stuttered uncharacteristically, her eyebrows raised and she took a step closer to him,

"You?" she asked crossing her arms, he wrung his hands together, 

"I...I l-lo.." he tried, then closed his eyes, clearly struggling. Bulma immediately caught on to what he was trying to say, and started blushing, 

"Do you mean it?" she asked, he opened his eyes shocked that she knew what he was trying to say, 

"Genuinel-," he said gruffly before Bulma cut him off with a passionate kiss, 


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Things are about to get super serious.

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