Joshua shook his head, his heart sinking as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Detective Park nodded grimly, his gaze fixed on Joshua's face. "Thank you for your cooperation. Don't try to be the hero and look for her"

As they left the station, Jeonghan took one look at him and knew he isn't going home "let's play heroes"

The city streets stretched out before them as Joshua, Scoups, and Jeonghan made their way through the crowds in search of any sign of Yumi. The night air was thick with tension as they hurried along, their hearts heavy with worry for her.

"Joshua, you need to try to stay calm," Scoups said gently, his voice tinged with concern as he reached out a hand to steady Joshua's shaking frame. "We're going to find Yumi, I promise. But we need to approach this methodically, step by step."

"She's been missing for hours...." Joshua clench his fist and looked ahead "I need to find her"

He knew that Scoups was right – they needed to stay focused if they were going to have any hope of finding Yumi alive.

"She's tough. We already search near the restaurant, her place.... Where to next?" Jeonghan asked him

But as they continued their search, scouring the streets for any sign of her, Joshua's mind raced with a million unanswered questions. Where could Yumi be?

But as the hours passed and the night wore on, their search yielded no results. The city now seemed all the same as they are tired of looking for her.

The rest of the searching groups aren't successful either. They all have been checking in with Scoups.

"We need to keep looking," Joshua said firmly, his voice filled with determination as he refused to give up hope. "We can't stop until we find her."

"Let's rest for a bit. You haven't eaten all day" Scoups said worried about his well-being and as Jeonghan nodded Joshua know they do have to eat.

The ring of Joshua's phone pierced the tense silence of the night, causing his heart to leap into his throat as he fumbled to answer it. Jeonghan and Scoups who were still eating look at him and waiting for him to answer the call

"Hello?" he said, his voice shaky with emotion as he waited for a response.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, the only sound the faint hum of static as Joshua strained to hear any sign of life. And then, finally, a voice broke through the darkness, cold and menacing.

"Joshua," the voice said, its tone dripping with malice. "I hope you've been enjoying your time with Yumil

Joshua's blood ran cold at the sound of the voice, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to keep his composure. He knew immediately who was calling – it was the kidnapper.

"Where is she?" Joshua demanded, his voice trembling with anger and fear. "What have you done with her?"

There was a cruel laugh on the other end of the line, the sound sending shivers down his spine "Oh, she's safe, with me" the voice said, its tone dripping with malice

"What do you want from me? Money? I can give you that in a heartbeat" he spat, his voice laced with venom. Scoups nodded giving him a sign there were there for him while Jeonghan was reporting to detective Park.

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